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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 06, 2023 | The Indian Eye 18
Pramukh Swami Maharaj Centennial Celebration
en us everything. His simple, humble human family. harmony, HH Dalai Lama addressed take birth on this earth. He was a
and direct words were a reflection of On December 20th, 2022, re- the assembly by a letter, stating, “I bridge to unite all different faiths
the supreme divinity within him.” ligious leaders and representatives send my greetings on the occasion together. When we face an environ-
On December 16, the program from around the world representing of the centenary of Pramukh Swami ment of religious intolerance, the
celebrated "Culture Day, Celebrat- the Jain, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Maharaj. He truly practiced the an- BAPS Swaminarayan tradition has
ing India Culture" with captivating Jewish, and Buddhist faiths gathered cient Indian wisdom of nonviolence been a torchbearer for religious tol-
and thought-provoking presenta- to solidify interfaith bonds through and compassion. The leadership of erance.”
tions and performances that con- collective dialogue recalling Pra- individuals like him have made India In his concluding blessings, HH
veyed Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s mukh Swami Maharaj’s love and sac- a role model of religious harmony.” Mahant Swami Maharaj said, “Pra-
remarkable efforts as a torchbearer rifice which saw no race, religion, col- HE Abdul Rahman Bu Ali, mukh Swami Maharaj provided a dis-
of Indian culture and heritage world- or, caste, creed, language or borders. Thought Leader of Bahrain said, tinctive definition of Adivasis. He said,
wide through. In his United Nations Address “The historic BAPS Mandir in Abu ‘The oldest, ‘adi’, is God, and those in
On December 17, the evening at the Millennium Peace Conference Dhabi is more than inspirational, it whose hearts God resides ‘vasi’ are
program focused on the life force on August 29, 2000, Pramukh Swami is civilizational—bringing countries Adivasis.’ This was not just wordplay,
behind Pramukh Swami Maharaj, his Maharaj expressed, “We religious and religions together. There will also he truly believed and lived this. He
devotion and faith in God, themed leaders should not dream of only one be a BAPS temple in Bahrain. Lead- often said, ‘Although others may con-
"Parabhakti Day." Talks by Swamis religion in the world but dream of ers like Pramukh Swami Maharaj do sider tribals backward, I see God in
closest to him reflected on the cen- a world where all religions are one. not die but remain alive and contin- them.’ Considering them his family,
trality of devotion in Pramukh Swami Flourishing together is the secret of ue to inspire, guide, and touch count- he stayed at their homes and ate their
Maharaj’s life and his constant com- peace. We must not progress at the less hearts across the world. Mahant food without distinction. Through
munion with God. Incidents from his cost of others, but sacrifice a part of Swami Maharaj is the best successor his selfless love, he transformed
life revealed that in times of honor ourselves for the good of others. For to the best predecessor.” the lives of thousands of tribals.”
or insult, difficulty or ease, joy or true religion is that which inspires Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni Ji, The month-long celebration is
sorrow, victory or defeat, Pramukh love for one another.” Jain Muni, President, Ahimsa Vish- Mahant Swami Maharaj’s vision to
Swami Maharaj remained absorbed In recalling Pramukh Swami wa Bharati said, “Rarely do lumi- provide inspiration from the life, ef-
in God. Maharaj’s commitment to interfaith naries like Pramukh Swami Maharaj forts, teachings, actions, and contri-
Sachchidanand Joshi, Execu- butions of Pramukh Swami Maharaj.
tive and Academic Head of Indira
Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
said, “Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s
mammoth task of creating temples,
was not just about creating houses of
worship, but also about creating cen-
ters of education and social service
that revived heritage and spiritual
Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s Cen-
tennial Celebrations in Ahmedabad,
India continued for a second week
with themes centered on Devotion
to Guru; Health & Spirituality Day;
De-Addiction Day; and Interfaith
Harmony & Tribal Traditions. The
last two key events highlighted Pra-
mukh Swami Maharaj’s spiritually
driven vision of one world and one