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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                 JANUARY 01, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          27

                       covid relief: nia provides half

              million groceries to 13,000 families

        Our Bureau

        Washington, DC
                 s  coronavirus  pandem-
                 ic  has  caused  high  lev-
        Aels  of  unemployment
        and poverty across the country,
        many families are struggling to
        stay afloat. Food pantries have
        seen  increase  in  demand  and
        cars are lining up for hours to
        procure free food.
            According  to  Dr.  Urmilesh
        Arya,  President  of  Nation-
        al  AIA,  in  such  a  depressing
        scenario,  Dr.  Suresh  Gupta,  a
        member of the Executive Com-
        mittee of the National Associa-
        tion of Indians in America and                 Dr. suresh Gupta with us president-elect  Joe biden
        resident  of  Washington  D.C.,
        developed a vision to raise funds  Dr.  Vinod  Prakash,  Dr.  Siva  Vishwa  Hindu  Parishad  of  centers,  temples,  gurudwaras
        through  several  organization  Subramanian,  Dr.  Narendra  America  DC  Chapter,  United  and churches participated in the
        and distribute the food to those  Tandon, Mr Rajiv Jain, etc.            Hindu  Jain  Temples,  Maratha  project and provided volunteer
        in  need  without  any  discrimi-       Many  organizations  liked  Kala  Mandir,  Budha  Family,  services. More than 13,000 fam-
        nation of race, religion, gender  the  idea  and  joined  hands  for  American Association of Physi- ilies were provided with almost
        and ethnicity. The Goal was to  the noble cause. Some of these  cians Washington Chapter and  half  a  million  groceries  to  the
        raise $ 250,000,00.                  included  India  Development  Budha family Calcutta.                     needy people.
            For this purpose, Dr Gupta  Relief  Fund,  Hindu  American               These  Associations  raised          Dr.  Gupta  said  that  they
        developed  a  team  with  other  Community  Services,  Rajasth- the  money  and  created  “Grab  hosted 30 events for food distri-
        medical  and  non-medical  pro- ali, American Diversity Group,  and Go” food distribution and  bution in the month of October
        fessionals as Dr.  Ram Nagula,  Ekal  Vidyalaya  DC  Chapter,  many local schools, community  and November.

        nrI Institute distributes clothes and food in tribal belt

        Our Bureau                           back what I receive.” A young  icated  to  expanding  its  mem- go,  Angola,  Reunion  Island,
                                             entrepreneur,  who  is  humble  ber’s professional network and  Singapore, Germany, Switzer-
        New York                             at heart and sharp mindset has  business insights.                       land, Australia, New Zealand,

                   anu Jagmohan Singh,  maintained a balance and per-                NRI  Institute  promotes  Canada and USA in Washing-
                   Secretary-General,  fectly handles everything, be it  NRI investments in India and  ton DC, New York, California,
        MNRI  Institute  visited  business or charity,” said Singh. paves  the  way  in  this  regard  and New Jersey.
        ‘Tribal  Belt’  in  Udaipur,  Siro-     NRI Institute is India’s fast- with an effective approach to-             The institute has so far or-
        hi during the Christmas Week  est  growing  organization  for  wards the government and oth- ganized over 100 international
        and  distributed  clothes,  blan- non-resident Indians. It is a not- er  authorities.  The  Institute  events in India, London, Dubai,
        kets,  food,  slippers  and  more  for-profit (NGO), organization  highlights the achievements of  New York, Detroit, Washington
        for the tribal belt people.          founded  in  year  1989  which  NRIs and PIOs in their chosen  DC, Silicon Valley, California,
            Singh has started a project  aims to provide a platform for  field of activities.                         Mauritius, Bangkok, Singapore
        in Sirohi, which aims to provide  the Indians living in India and            NRI  Institute,  over  the  and Bahrain. The Institute has
        employment  to  the  tribal  belt  abroad to connect and enhance  years,  has  established  Chap- also  organized  several  sympo-
        and working on the school proj- their business, taking it to new  ters in UK, UAE, Oman, Ku- sia on specific issues successful-
        ect which will help the children  heights.  Representing  the  en- wait,  Saudi  Arabia,  Bangkok,  ly from time to time at the na-
        to learn and grow. “Caring and  tire        Non-Resident       Indians  Mauritius,  Seychelles,  Mada- tional  and  international  levels
        sharing is my dharma, so I give  globally, NRI Institute is ded- gascar, Fiji, Trinidad & Toba- in India and abroad.

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