Page 24 - The Indian EYE 010121
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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                 JANUARY 01, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          24

            aaPI takes big initiative to provide

                        clean drinking water in India

              Under the leadership of Dr. Jagan Ailinani, an MoU has been signed with

                                            Community Pure Water Foundation, Inc.

        Our Bureau

        New York

                 ne    single    individu-
                 al  could  impact  so
        Omany  lives.  The  life
        and  tireless  efforts  by  Dr.  Ja-
        gan Ailinani, past President of
        AAPI and philanthropist, are a
        testimony to this fact. The UN
        reports India’s ranking as 120th
        among 122 countries in the Wa-
        ter Quality Index, and approxi-
        mately 70 percent of the water
        supply in India is likely contam-
        inated, resulting in nearly 2 lakh
        (2,00,000) untimely deaths each
        year,  besides  irreversible  debil-
        itation and crippling economic
        burdens. Millions of rural Indi-
        ans cannot even access water for
        hand washing.

        with the objective of help-

        ing to provide clean drink-             “AAPI  has  formed  a  strate- communities that are impacted  in India, Dr. Anupama Yeluru

        ing  water  to millions of           gic  partnership  with  Commu- by waterborne diseases, by part- Gotimukula,               President-Elect,
                                             nity  Pure  Water  to  provide  re- nering to provision water purifi- AAPI said.
        people in India, a  memo- lief  through    implementation  cation plants in affected regions                     According to Dr. Ravi Kolli,
        randum of understanding              of  AAPI’s Clean Drinking Wa- and  thus  to  stem  the  spread  Vice President of AAPI, AAPI
                                             ter  initiative  in  rural  India;  to  of  waterborne  diseases,”  said  intends to work in four key ar-
        (mou) under the leader- engage CPW as turnkey provid- Dr.  Jagan  Ailinani,  past  Pres- eas:  identifying  sponsors;  col-

        ship of dr. Jagan ailinani           er and operator of Clean Drink- ident of AAPI and the philan- laborating  with  various  pres-
                                             ing Water Projects proposed to  thropist who had initiated this  tigious  professional  groups
        has been signed between  be sponsored by AAPI’s mem- project.    The  partners  have  including  medical  societies,

        Community Pure  water                bers  and  network,”  said  Dr.  come together with the shared  academic  institutions,  hospital
                                             Sudhakar  Jonnalagadda,  Presi- goal  of  empowering  India  in  systems  and  NGOs  (both  in
        foundation, Inc. (CPw)  dent of AAPI.                                    the area of clean water. AAPI  the  US  and  India);  leveraging
                                                As per the MOU, AAPI and  will  work  to  leverage  member- the  annual  Global  Healthcare
        and the  american  asso-             CPW  will  collaborate  creative- ship, networks and resources in  Summit    to  educate  and  pro-
        ciation of Physicians of  ly to address health challenges  the United States and India to  mote the key area related to this

        Indian  origin (aaPI) in             in India, focusing primarily on  provide  and  facilitate  funding,  MOU; and engaging the AAPI
                                             providing clean drinking water  skills  transfer,  and  knowledge  supported  14  free  (charitable)
        order  to memorialize the  services, and related programs  building  to  support  agreed  clinics in India  to disseminate
                                             such  as  water  for  hand  wash- upon  activities,  and  consider  awareness on the health benefit
        intent of this alliance be-          ing and sanitation, Dr. Jonnal- additional  projects  to  extend  of using safe clean water.
        tween the two organiza- agadda added.                                    availability and affordability of        Dr. Satheesh Kathula, Trea-

        tions.                                  “The  overall  objective  is  to  Clean Drinking Water to rural  surer of AAPI, said, AAPI mem-
                                             improve health of rural Indian  communities  in  various  states             Continued on next page... >>

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