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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                 JANUARY 01, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          26

         gOPiO-ct holds annual holiday Party, raises

                funds for local charity and elects new team

        Our Bureau

        New York

                 OPIO-CT  organized
                 its    General      Body
        GMeeting  (GBM)  elect-
        ed  a  new  team.  In  its  report
        to the GBM, President Ashok
        Nichani said that in spite of the                          Dignitaries and GOPIO-CT officials at the Holiday Party Fundraiser:
        Corona  Virus  pandemic  and          Consul General Randhir Kumar Jaiswal, Stamford David Martin, GOPIO Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham and GO-
        subsequent  lockdown,  GO-                                                 PIO-CT President Ashok Nichani
        PIO-CT  did  some  outstand-
        ing work in helping local food                                                                                its annual election for 2021. Mr.
        pantries  and  providing  KN95                                                                                Ashok  Nichani  was  re-elected
        masks for frontline workers.                                                                                  as  the  President  for  one  more
            Secretary  Rajneesh  listed                                                                               term. Other elected officials are
        all major activities for the year                                                                             Mr. Prasad Chintalapudi as Ex-
        which included major initiatives                                                                              ecutive Vice President, Dr. Jaya
        for  serving  the  local  communi-                                                                            Daptadar as Vice President, Ms.
        ty  and  institutions  during  the                                                                            Prachi Narayan as Secretary, Ms.
        pandemic and lockdown. These                                                                                  Meera Banta as Joint Secretary
        included  delivering  food  items                                                                             and Mr. Viresh Sharma as Trea-
        to frontline healthcare workers                                                                               surer.  GBM also reelected two
        at  the  Stamford  Hospital,  do-                                                                             trustees, Dr. Thomas Abraham
        nating  cash  and  replenishing                                                                               and Ms. Neelam Narang.
        food  items  for  the  homeless                                                                                   Following the GBM, Annual
        and needy at the New Covenant                                                                                 Holiday Party was held. attend-
        House in Stamford, Lower Fair-                                                                                ed  by  India’s  Consul  General
        field  County  Food  Pantry  and                                                                              in  New  York  Randhir  Kumar
        Food  Bank  of  Lower  Fairfield.     India’s Consul General Randhir Kumar Jaiswal Speaking at the GOPIO-CT   Jaiswal  as  Chief  Guest,  who
        In addition, the chapter import-                                                                              praised GOPIO-CT for its work
        ed  KN95  masks  and  donated                              holiday party and fundraiser                       helping  local  service  organiza-
        to Wilton Meadow Healthcare                                                                                   tions.  Stamford  Mayor  David
        facility  in  Wilton,  Connecticut                                                                            Martin     complimented       GO-
        and Stamford Hospital.                                                                                        PIO-CT for its work helping the
            Many  of  the  regular  pro-                                                                              local  food  pantries  during  the
        grams  were  held  using  Zoom                                                                                lockdown.
        meetings.  The  chapter  partici-                                                                                The fundraiser netted $5,000
        pated in the annual walkathon                                                                                 to give to the local service orga-
        fundraiser  for  Bennet  Cancer                                                                               nization Building One Commu-
        Center  at  the  Stamford  Hos-                                                                               nity  of  Stamford  which  helps
        pital. Taking the lockdown and                                                                                new immigrants in Connecticut.
        the  social  isolation  as  a  chal-                                                                              Dr.    Thomas       Abraham,
        lenge,  the  organizing  commit-                                                                              Chairman  of  GOPIO  Interna-
        tee  of  GOIO-CT  put  together                                                                               tional  said  that  GOPIO-CT  is
        a  grand  celebration  of  India’s                                                                            the most active chapter among
        74th  Independence  Day  Cele-                                                                                over  one  hundred  GOPIO
        bration, connecting the people                                                                                chapters worldwide.
        of  Indian  origin,  community                                                                                    GOPIO-CT  Vice  President
        leaders and elected officials vir-    Service organization Building One Community Stamford being supported    Prasad  Chintalapudi  coordi-
        tually, honoring and celebrating                      by Gopio-ct at the holiday Fundraiser                   nated and chaired the program
        the  freedom  and  democratic                                                                                 while  Nandita  Suvarna  con-
        values of India and the United  Zoom,  an  interactive  meeting  es on US Taxes and financial/re-             clude the program, and thanked
        States. The chapter also held its  with  Congressman  Jim  Himes  tirement planning.                          everyone for making the Zoom
        annual  Diwali  celebration  on  and a webinar on major chang-               The  GBM  also  conducted        program a success.

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