Page 30 - The Indian EYE 010121
P. 30
South The Indian Eye
30 JANUARY 01,2021
When Brazilian and indian music
flow in the same river
the sangam project is an online event organized by the global music Institute
and the cultural center of the embassy of brazil in new delhi
FlOrencia cOsta mission of bringing a modern
and distinctive application to
n the tradition of Hinduism, music education.
Triveni Sangam is sacred: it This musical communion,
Iis the confluence of the riv- broadcast in November by the
ers Ganges, Yamuna and the GMI’s YouTube channel and by
mythical Saraswati. A dip there the social networks of the Bra-
- assure the faithful - is able to zilian Embassy in India, start-
cleanse the sins. In November of ed with the Episode Surya, a
this year, Rio de Janeiro compos- Sanskrit word that means sun.
er and pianist Bianca Gismonti “Surya is a reference to a vigor-
and Rio Grande do Sul drum- ous start”, explained Bianca, in
mer Julio Falavigna presented a an interview granted to BECO
beautiful Indo-Brazilian musical DA INDIA, next to her husband
confluence over the internet: Julio Falavigna, in Rio de Janei-
the Sangam Project. The on- ro. Bianca divided the songs ac-
line event was organized by the bianca and Julio. Photo by Daryan Dornelles cording to the names of the epi-
Global Music Institute (GMI) sodes chosen by Julio.
and the cultural center of the In this first episode, the In-
Brazilian Embassy in New Delhi. dian Varijashree Venugopal
The musical Sangam washed sings Folia, an amazing experi-
the soul of many in this 2020, a ment. “The Indian singer has a
year contaminated by the fear jazz studio. So, she already likes
and uncertainty of a virus. The more western music, ”explained
online shows were powered by Bianca.
Brazilian compositions by Bian- Episode number 2 was bap-
ca, her father, Egberto Gismon- tized with another word from
ti, and other geniuses of Brazil- the Indian tradition: Lotus,
ian music, such as Tom Jobim, the sacred flower of Hinduism,
Vinícius de Moraes, Baden Pow- Buddhism and Jainism. In it,
el, Milton Nascimento, Fernan- the Indian participation was on
do Brant, Luiz Gonzaga. The account of the violinist based
compositions were played by the in London Preetha Narayanan,
couple Bianca (on paino) and who played Ostinatos. “This ep-
Julio (on drums and tabla), in ad- isode is the most introspective,”
dition to other artists of various noted Bianca.
nationalities, but mainly Indians. The third episode, called
The Sangam project was di- Cactus. With that name, the
vided into four episodes named opening song could not fail to
after elements of Brazilian and Bianca and Julio — Desvelando Mares. Photo by Daryan Dornelles be the classic baião Asa Branca.
Indian nature: Surya, Lotus, The Indian spice in this presen-
Cactus and Colibri. In the four in a masala, the project tasted artist were recorded in their tation was given by Babar Latif
episodes there was a mandatory the sounds of artists from Cuba, homes or studios and then edit- Khan (tabla) and Bittu Mallik
ingredient: the performance of Puerto Rico, France and the ed. GMI, based in New Delhi, is (singer). The episode ended
an Indian artist. Like the dish- United States, who played at one of the leading music schools with another Indian: the flutist
es of Indian cuisine, sprinkled various times. in India, founded in 2011 by Ad- Apurva Seth, who played Where
with innumerable spices mixed The performances of each itya and Tarun Balani, with the Continued on next page... >>
www.TheIndianEYE .us