Page 25 - The Indian EYE 010121
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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline JANUARY 01, 2021 | The Indian Eye 25
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ber tax-deductible sponsorship
of USD 7,000 per village of 500
households covers capital costs
of water treatment plants total-
ing USD $5,000 as well as op-
erating & annual maintenance
cost for two years amounting to
USD $2,000. One-time setup
expenses cover the installation
and commissioning of a 500
LPH (liters per hour) five-stage
water purification center. These
include community awareness,
operator training and skilling of
technical staff. Water purchases months in Tata Cancer Centers trash disposal and built a funer- week.
fully fund operation and main- in India. They will also provide al shelter with showers and toi- Dr. Ailinani is one of the
tenance costs after about two Tele-medicine consultations. lets at the cremation site, con- founding board members of the
years. Each center can provide The model envisions an inte- struction of a primary health Prathima Institute of Medical
pure water year after year with grated well-connected network center, maintaining proper Services-PIMS with a mission
no further donor funding after of existing and additional cen- hygiene and landscaping and to provide specialty services/
a year two. ters staffed by local and AAPI provided education to kids and Tertiary care to the rural pop-
Dr. Amit Chakrabarty, volunteer specialists from USA offered training camps to farm- ulation of northern Telangana.
Secretary of AAPI, pointed working partly in India and ers. In addition, he constructed He was instrumental along with
out that India lacks adequate partly via tele-medicine from a road from his village, Mothe, Dr. Maqbool Haq (Oncologist
number of qualified Oncology US to deliver high quality can- to Jagtial, in 1995 under Janma at MD Anderson Houston, TX)
specialists that would like to cer care across the country to Bhoomi project. He also estab- and Dr. Vivekanand (Dean of
partner with AAPI to provide the villages. lished a partnership with the PIMS) in establishing the Cen-
medical, surgical and radiation Several decades ago, Dr. regional medical college, PIMS, ter of Excellence for Sickle Cell
oncologists to deliver quality Ailinani adopted his native vil- to provide needed physicians Center which is one of the 4
cancer care. These specialists lage and fully funded and es- to provide primary care with a centers in India and BLS-basic
will spend from one to three tablished safe drinking water, focus on prenatal care twice a life support training center.
www.TheIndianEYE .us