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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 30, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 24

         AAPI’s Global Health Summit 2023 to Feature Various

               Medical Specialty Medical Educational Symposia

          World-renowned physician leaders will lead workshops on Advances in Maternal & Child Health, Mental
                      Health, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Oncology, Neurology, and Women’s Leadership

                                          Indian Diaspora to bring the most     Invited guests include Profes-  will be discussed.
        OUR BUREAU
                                          innovative,  efficient,  cost-effective   sors, Heads of Educational Institutes,   Dr. Sampath Shivangi, AAPI
        Chicago, IL                       healthcare solutions to India. The up-  Deans as well as chairs and members   Legislative Committee Chair said,
                                          coming GHS 2023 with the theme of   of the National Medical Council   “We  are  collaborating  with  senior
              he growing influence of physi-  “True and Total Health is the Wellbe-  Board, in addition to the dignitaries,   leaders from leading healthcare orga-
              cians of Indian heritage is evi-
        Tdent,  as  they are  increasingly   ing of Mind, Body, and Spirit” with its   including Hon. Health Minister of   nizations including pharmaceuticals,
                                          focus on Mental Health, Infant and
                                                                                                              device and medical equipment manu-
                                                                            India, Hon. Chief Minister and the
        recognized and hold critical positions   Maternal Mortality as well as various   Hon. Governor of Andhra Pradesh   facturers and major medical teaching
        in healthcare, academic, research, and   other medical specialty updates, Med-  and Telangana. Sponsors will have op-  institutions, hospitals, and the Minis-
        administrative positions across the   ical Jeopardy, and Research Poster   portunities for Exhibits, Product The-  tries of Health, External/Overseas Af-
        nation. With their hard work, dedica-  presentations by medical students   aters, NGO booths to promote their   fairs and regulatory bodies to attend
        tion, compassion, and skills, they have   will be a great way to accomplish this   services, products, and values.    and coordinate with AAPI with an
        thus carved an enviable niche in the   mission of AAPI. In addition, advoca-  Dr. Prasad Chalasani, Chair of   ultimate goal to providing accessible
        American medical community.  Not   cy to dismantle the stigma of mental   AAPI GHS-USA says, “The scientific   and affordable high-quality health-
        satisfied  with  their  own  professional   illness and Suicide Prevention will be   program and workshops of GHS is de-  care to all people of India.”
        growth and the service they provide   the highlight of the program.”  veloped by leading experts with con-  Dr. Manoj Jain,  Chair of CETI
        to their patients around the world,   “This conference will focus on   tributions from the Scientific Advisory   –  Collaboration  to  Eliminate  TB  in
        they are in the forefront, sharing their   bringing the highest caliber of in-  Board and the International Scientific   India supported by CDC and US-
        knowledge and expertise with others,   ternationally acclaimed faculty and   Committee. The workshops will be led   AID will lead comprehensive discus-
        especially those physicians and lead-  will develop a very robust agenda in   by world-famous physicians on topics   sions on the TB Elimination Projects
        ers in the medical field from India.  collaboration with leading experts   relevant to the needs of the time.”  in India, with tangible goals achieved
            The 16th annual Global Health-
                                                                                “AAPI has plans to collaborate
        care Summit (GHS) 2023, organized   from India. The enhanced focus on   with the Government of Andhra   and the plan for the future.
                                          conducting skills enhancement work-
                                                                                                                  The  scientific  program  of  GHS
        by the Association of American Phy-  shops, hands on experience with ad-  Pradesh to initiate a very ambitious   2023 is developed by leading experts
        sicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) in Vi-  vanced techniques,” Dr. V. Ranga,   program to address mental health   with the contributions of a stellar Sci-
        sakhapatnam in the state of Andhra   Chair of AAPI BOT said.        and wellness of all the students in the   entific  Advisory  Board,  Continuing
        Pradesh from January 6th to 8th, 2023   CME sessions with academicians   high schools in AP,” Dr. Ravi Raju,   Medical Education Committee and
        offers a unique forum for them to   from the United States will offer   Chair of GHS-India said.      Academic Committee of AAPI and
        come together, sharing their knowl-  unique opportunities for local medi-  Discussions and deliberations will   Indian counterparts. The Conference
        edge and expertise with their fellow   cal staff and healthcare professionals   address the Stigma of Mental illness,   in collaboration with several profes-
        physicians from around the world,   to advance leanings and provide the   Suicide  prevention,  Management of   sional associations from all over the
        and to learn from one another.    best possible care for the people of   Chronic diseases and NCD and, oth-  world, 12 hours of credits from the
            According to Dr. Ravi Kolli,
        President of AAPI, “AAPI has been   India. Nearly 400 Physicians are ex-  er Global Health Issues including Cli-  Accreditation Council for Continuing
                                                                                                              Medical Education.
                                          pected to attend the AAPI GHS 2023.
                                                                            mate Change and its impact on health
        engaged in harnessing the power of
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