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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 30, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 20



          Consul (Trade) Manish Kulhary from the Indian Consulate graced the occasion as Guest of Honor

        OUR BUREAU
        Long Island, NY
              he Association of Indians in America
              (AIA-National) held a Free Seminar on
        TTax Planning and Financial Seminar at
        Mint Restaurant in Long Island on Monday Dec
        19, 2022 at 7 PM, which was quite a success. This
        Tax Seminar was attended by respected and emi-
        nent individuals, past National Presidents and
        Chapter Presidents of AIA, executive committee
        members, community leaders and dignitaries in-
        cluding members of the Media. Consul (Trade)
        Manish Kulhary from the Indian Consulate
        graced the occasion as Guest of Honor.
            AIA National wanted to bring to the Indian
        Community such type of informational, educa-
        tional and awareness seminars of public interest.
        Earlier in the year AIA National had arranged 2
        very successful conferences on Awareness and
        Empathy.  And  now  it  arranged  a  seminar  on
        Tax planning including Estate & Gift Tax and     Whereas  renowned Attorney  MICHAEL       type of informational and educational seminars
        Business Insurance at Mint Restaurant in Gar-  MARKHOFF Esq. from White Plains addressed   for the benefit of the community. The Association
        den City, Long Island on Monday Dec 19  2022   the audience on Estate and Gift taxes, Mr. Patrick   of Indians in America (AIA) is the oldest not-for-
        said Mr. Gobind Munjal, National President of   Scanlon and Patrick Ryder of Enforce Coverage   profit organization of Asian Indians in America
        AIA. We brought renowned and eminent speak-  Group in New York spoke on Business Insurance   founded on August 20, 1967. It is the grassroots
        ers CECIL NAZARETH ACA, CPA, MBA, who is     and workmen’s comp, and Business Develop-     national organization of Asian immigrants in the
        expert on National and International Taxation   ment officer at Jovia Financial Credit Union Ka-  United States. With chapters and membership
        and Accounting and have done many seminars   pila Datt spoke on Health and the various prod-  spread across the United States of America, AIA
        all over the world. He has also authored the book   ucts that they offer at their bank.    represents the hopes and aspirations of those im-
        titled International Tax & Compliance Handbook   Consul (Trade) Manish Kulhary in his speech   migrants who are united by their common bond
        (with special emphasis on India-U.S. taxes).   appreciated the AIA National’s effort to do this   of Indian Heritage and American Commitment.

                     CA Assemblywoman Sharon Kirk Silva

                                            Reelected for 5th time

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            Parimal Shah & Rohini Bedi from
                                                                                                              the Chamber of Commerce & Natu
        Los Angeles, CA
                                                                                                              Patel were also invited.
              eelected for the 5th time,                                                                          “Solutions are found by bring-
              CA State Assemblywoman                                                                          ing people together, not driving
        RSharon Kirk Silva was sworn                                                                          them apart & that is Assemblywom-
        in Buena Park. US District Court                                                                      an Sharon Kirk Silva,” said Rajen-
        Judge David O. Carter performed                                                                       dra Vora.
        her  Oath  ceremony.  Congressman                                                                         “It doesn’t take a Democrat or
        Lou Correa, State Senator Josh                                                                        Republican. It takes people working
        Newman,  Assemblywoman Cottie                                                                         together,” said Yogi Patel.
        Petrie-Norris, Mayors from many                                                                           Her district includes Fullerton,
        cities, Police Chief, Supervisors &                                                                   Anaheim, Cypress, La Palma, Cer-
        leading community members joined                                                                      ritos, Artesia where many Indian
        her Swearing-in ceremony.                                                                             American lives.
            Leading Indian Americans Ra-
        jendra Vora - Founder & President                                                                     << Primal Shah, Rajendra Vora, Assembly-
        of Jain Social Group Beverly Hills,                                                                   woman Sharon Kirk Silva & Yogi Patel
        Yogi  Patel  of  Lebon  Hospitality,

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