Page 16 - The Indian EYE 123022
P. 16

North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                            DECEMBER 30, 2022

                    Indian EYE, RADIO ZINDAGI &

            JEE PUNJABI launch new studios and

                         office in Long Island, New York

           The media group, led by Sunil Hali, promises to provide a live facility for music, talk and

          newsroom; top public officials and community leaders attend the opening of media lounge

        OUR BUREAU
        Long Island, NY
              uesday, December 20, 2022,
              will be recorded in history as
        Ta red-letter day when Nassau
        Country Executive declared it as the
        INDIAN EYE DAY. Long Islanders
        in New York celebrated the launch of
        Radio Zindagi & JEE PUNJABI Stu-
        dio and prestigious The Indian EYE
        Newsweekly in Hicksville.
            With top public officials in pres-
        ence, including GOP Chairman Joe
        Cairo, Nassau  County  Executive
        Bruce Blakeman, Suffolk County
        Deputy Executive John Kaiman, Dr.
        Varun Jeph, Deputy Consul Gener-
        al in New York, the promoters Sunil
        Hali and Nilesh Dasondi and the en-
        tire team announced the launch of
        their media lounge in the most popu-
        lar public place at the Kundan Galle-
        ria in Hicksville.
            More than 100 community lead-
        ers attended the ribbon-cutting cere-
        mony after the traditional prayers in
        the new home of multiple media plat-
        forms that are the voice and choice of
        the community. Welcoming the group,
        Mr. Blakeman presented the procla-  AM has become the single-most fol-  Indian EYE Newsweekly is a great   CSR mandate towards community in
        mation to promoters. Chairman Cai-  lowed  media in New  York since it   initiative and helps connect with India   the past two decades.
        ro congratulated the community on   was launched in November 2019. The   and Indian diaspora. With the weekly   The media group, led by Sunil
        their success and contributions to the   broadcast station is a 10000 watt and   growing in three formats -- print, dig-  Hali, promises to provide a live fa-
        growth of the region. Mr. Kaiman said   covers NY, NJ & CT areas 24X7.   ital and epaper -- the reach is growing   cility for music, talk and newsroom.
        he looks with County Executive team   Community leaders including, leading   across the US.           The multiplier effect helps for a huge
        to connect with community in Suffolk   business owners greeted the initia-  Every community leader, includ-  reach through different yet integrat-
        County to build economic and cultur-  tive. Shudh Parkash Singh, who is at   ing Mohinder Taneja, a veteran in   ed media including fast growing JEE
        al development.                   the frontline in every initiative in New   public life among others, said Radio   PUNJABI which serves the second
            Dr. Varun Jeph from Indian Con-  York and Indian diaspora in the US,   Zindagi engages the diaspora through   largest segment of Indian community.
        sulate was beaming to see a strong   said the opening of the new lounge was   its quality content. They played big   The facility is expected to be ful-
        connect with the community through   very timely as South Asians are enter-  role during pandemic through live   ly operational within a month. It also
        prestigious media platforms offered   ing in public life while mainstream is   talk shows covering healthcare criti-  integrates with national operations in
        by the group especially when India is   looking at diaspora as game changers.   cal issues to inform on developments.     New Jersey, California and Washing-
        growing into a major global power.    Dr. Nirmal Mattoo, who founded   Radio Zindagi and the Indian EYE   ton DC and global operations out of
            Radio Zindagi on WBWD 540     India Chair at Stonybrook, said the   have been in the forefront with strong   India.

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