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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 30, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 22

                         Nritya Darpan mesmerizes the

          New Jersey audiences with dance festival

          Six multi-talented US based dance companies performed high quality dance dramas using various Indian
        classical dance forms such as Kathak, Bharatnatyam, Manipuri and Odissi along with Western dance styles

                    Stills from ‘Sama Equanimity and Equity’ by Kaustavi Sarkar.               Stills from ‘Elements’ by Sonali Skandan

        OUR BUREAU                        in the world of dance, while Karen   mination to break that cycle, which   that the audiences have welcomed
                                          Greenspan is a New York City-based   was performed in Manipuri dance   this festival with open arms. I am ex-
        New Brunswick, NJ
                                          dance journalist and frequent con-  style.                          tremely thankful to those who have
           ndian Heritage & Cultural As-  tributor to several publications.     ‘Nimitta - Amba Shikhandi’ by   unconditionally supported me”, he
           sociation-NJ (IHCA) held it’s      There were seven different    Shila Mehta performed in Kathak   added.
        IFIRST ever dance festival Nritya   groups of highly talented dancers,   dance style in the Lucknow gharana.   We can vouch  for the  fact that
        Darpan, on December  10th,  2022,   that performed different dance   The dance piece drew on the charac-  there has never been such a unique
        at New Brunswick Performing Arts   styles, each telling a story with amaz-  ter and story of Shikhandi in the epic   presentation of dance, that wonder-
        Center celebrating emerging contem-  ing and unique techniques.     Mahabharata, who was born a wom-  fully showcased the classical forms of
        porary and classical artists from the   ‘Sama:  Equanimity and  Equity’   an but became a man and the cause   the performing art with a fascinating
        Indian diaspora.                  by Kaustavi Sarkar. Sama: Equality   (Nimitta) for Bhashma’s defeat seal-  amalgamation of Indian and Western
                                          nurtures                          ing the fate of the great battle be-  styles. Meant for a niche audience,
        Six multi-talented US based           Equanimity is a meditation on   tween Kauravas and Pandavas.    this festival enthralls the audience
                                          spiritual humanism rallying against   ‘An Impossible Romance’ by    with its spellbinding performances
        dance companies performed  casteist injustice. was presented in     Kaustavi Sarkar depicted a spectacu-  and  thought-provoking themes.  We
        high quality dance dramas us-     the Odissi dance style.           lar love affair between the cloud and   look forward to seeing more of these
                                              ‘Elements’  by  Sonali  Skandan,   the lightning. The peacock in this sto-  masterpieces in the coming years.
        ing various Indian classical  depicting  the  impact of  climate    ry is the prime mover and manipula-   The concept of Nritya Darpan
        dance forms such as Kath-         change and human destruction shift   tor. He lures the cloud towards the   has been developed by the Founder
                                          the balance of nature was presented   lightning, very well anticipating the   and the President of IHCA-NJ, Dr.
        ak, Bharatnatyam, Manipuri  in Bharatnatyam style.                  cloud’s imminent death in the hands   Ashok Chaudhary, to promote ex-
                                              ‘(No)man’ by Ishita  Mili  used
        and Odissi along with Western     Bharatanatyam, Hip Hop, Street    of the lightning.                 ceptionally talented local artists and
                                                                                                              dance groups and to bring communi-
                                                                                ‘Kali’ by Bharathi Penneswaran
        dance styles.                     Styles, and Chhau to weaving togeth-  created magic on the stage. This   ties together to discuss various social
                                          er their signature fusion movement,   dance piece explores Kali’s tantric   issues  through performing arts. Dr
            The dance dramas were selected   rhythmic footwork and world music   roots as Shakti, the innate energy   Chaudhary is also known to organize
        by the very talented curators Maya   in their performance.          that has been dormant for millennia.  the annual short play festival ‘Natya
        Kulkarni-Chheda and Karen Green-      ‘The Wild Swans’ by Dr. Krish-    “Being the first Nritya Darpan, it   Darpan’. It that has been lauded by
        span who had the painstaking task of   nakali Dasgupta, a concise dramati-  has been a very stressful but extreme-  the audiences and supported by the
        selecting the best entries among the   zation of Hans Christian Anderson’s   ly  satisfying experience”,  said Dr   Middlesex County NJ and the Con-
        large pool of entries across the USA.   -The Wild Swans. The story was an   Ashok Chaudhary. “I have received   sulate General of India in New York.
            Maya Kulkarni is a highly re-  allegory on ostracization based on   numerous  messages  with  loads  of    Photos Courtesy:
        spected  and  a  well-known  figure   blind prejudices and victory of deter-  praises for the show. I am thrilled   Nutan Dabholkar Kalamdani

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