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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                  DECEMBER 30, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 28

                  Benefits of setting GOALS while

                                   making STRATEGIES

                                  for Brand, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, Mergers, Diversification, Start-ups, etc.

                   HIRAV SHAH

              s we discussed last time how
              we can achieve exponential
        Agrowth with Business Strate-
        gy and what are the 5 steps to create
        business strategy.
            Here are the 5 steps to
         create a successful business
        1.   What is your current situation                      The key to learning how to get what you want is setting meaningful goals
           (The Truth)
        2.   Where  you  want  to  go?  Six                                 you currently stand. This includes   • What is it you really want in Busi-
           months or 1-year goals           what we want.                   understanding your current position   ness?
        3.   Why are said goals so important?   • They give us direction and hope.   in  terms  of  market  share,  financial   •  What is an area in your business
        4.   How do you want to achieve     But they must be the right goals.  situation, and other metrics. It also   that you’d like to change?
           your goal? What capabilities are   • Meaningful goals create emotion   means knowing where you are in re-  •  Is it related to your marketing?
           you looking for accomplishing    and drive inside of you.        lation to your competitors.       • Is it related to your advertising?
           these goals?                   • They spur you to grow and expand.   Step  2:  Define  your  Goal.   •  Is it related to your diversification?
        5.   What are the chances to achieve   • Not only do they spark a sense of   Where you want to go     •  Are there any capabilities you’d
           your goals?                      hunger inside you, but they allow   To get what you want, you must   like to acquire?
                                            the other areas of your life to thrive
            Why Setting Goals Are           as well as you pursue your vision.   first define it. It sounds obvious, yet   And in any collaborative en-
             Essential to Get What        • But if you want meaningful goals,   so many people go through life with-  deavor, asking how to get people to
                   You Want                 then you must create goals that are   out defining what they want. With a   do what you want really means in-
            Research shows that hardly 3%   compelling enough to draw these   clear sense of what you want, you’re   spiring people to work toward your
        are  able  to  make  clear  goals  and   emotions out of you.       able to create goals and a step-by-  shared goals.
        97% people are not able to make       The problem with most peo-    step plan for getting there.          Great leaders inspire action in-
        clear goals and you will be surprised   ple’s goals is that they don’t exactly   Asking how to get what you   stead of forcing it. They always share
        that 3% are worth more in financial   inspire you to jump out of bed in the   want in a Brand, Sales, Marketing,   an exciting vision as well as specific
        terms than the other 97% who did   morning. The key to learning how to   Advertising,  Mergers,  Diversifi-  steps needed to make it a reality.
        not have clear goals.             get what you want is setting mean-  cation,  etc.  isn’t  selfish  –  it’s  what   Just make sure your business
                                          ingful goals.                     keeps you inspired to grow.       strategy in terms of Brand, Sales,
            Here are the benefits of          Now let’s start with First step                                 Marketing, Advertising, Mergers,
          setting goals while making      for making any Business Strategy       Once you understand          Diversification, etc. is still on track
                  strategies.             related to Brand, Sales, Marketing,     where you are now,          to reach your goals.
        • That study demonstrates the pow-  Advertising,  Mergers,  Diversifica-  you need to define your goal    It’s time to fire up your future.
          er of goals.                                                       by asking yourself the similar
        • They allow us to envision our desti-  tion, Start-ups, etc. -            questions below:
                                              Step  1:  Identify your Current
          nies and shape our lives.                                         • What do you want to accomplish     The writer is a well-known Astro
        • Goals allow us to create our future   Position. Where you are       with your business?               Strategist and Business Astrologer
          in advance and enable us to get     You should first identify where   • How will you measure success?  Email: [email protected]

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