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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 27, 2024 | The Indian Eye 16
Tulsi Gabbard Visits
BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham
Robbinsville, NJ
n Sunday, December 15,
2024, BAPS Swaminarayan
OAkshardham had the honor
of hosting former Congresswoman
Tulsi Gabbard, the first Hindu elect-
ed to the U.S. Congress in 2013. In
addition to her distinguished politi-
cal career, Gabbard serves as a lieu-
tenant colonel in the U.S. Army Re-
serve, a rank she has held since 2021.
Her visit coincided with the
103rd birth anniversary celebrations
of the late Pramukh Swami Maharaj,
the revered spiritual leader who pro-
foundly impacted millions through
his teachings of selfless service,
humility, and devotion. The event
brought together women of all ages to
commemorate Pramukh Swami Ma-
haraj’s legacy. The celebration fea-
tured inspiring speeches and heartfelt
vignettes, highlighting his timeless
teachings and the significance of
faith and service in everyday life.
Envisioned by the late Pramukh
Swami Maharaj, Akshardham stands
as a beacon of spirituality, tradition,
and culture. Its rich heritage has
drawn visitors from diverse back-
grounds, making it a revered land-
mark. During her visit, former Con-
gresswoman Gabbard, renowned
for her advocacy and dedication to
issues affecting all Americans, em-
barked on a campus tour where she
explored the universal values ex-
pressed through Akshardham’s art,
architecture, and cultural exhibits.
As a practicing Hindu for many
years, Gabbard admired the spiritual
atmosphere of Akshardham. She of-
fered flowers and prayers to the sa-
cred images enshrined in the temple.
During her address at the cultur-
al program, Ms. Gabbard expressed the most famous stories about Krish- kindness, and unity. That welcoming vice, and community. Akshardham is
her gratitude and inspiration: “I’m na and Arjuna from the Bhagavad spirit is something I feel here, as I a place of inspiration, and it was de-
grateful to be here with all of you, Gita—was truly inspiring. This place know millions of others do when they lightful to have such an inspirational
and my heart is warmed by this in- is special because of all of you, your visit Akshardham. This is a timeless figure grace its hallowed grounds,”
credible welcome and celebration. To hearts, and your prayers that bring us offering that will bring peace and joy said Puja Patel, a volunteer at BAPS
be able to hear about the many thou- all together.” to all who come.” Swaminarayan Akshardham.
sands of hands and hearts that went She also reflected on the tem- “Former Congresswoman Gab- Her visit underscores the commit-
into building this iconic temple, and ple’s spiritual essence during an bard’s visit to Akshardham is a pow- ment of BAPS and its current spiritu-
to walk through and see the mean- interview, saying: “Words are not erful reminder of the enduring legacy al leader, His Holiness Mahant Swa-
ing behind every single one of those sufficient to describe the incredible of Pramukh Swami Maharaj and his mi Maharaj, to inspire selfless service
sculptures—both the magnificent product of the work of so many hands emphasis on bringing people togeth- and promote shared values among
and the small etchings of some of that came together in a spirit of love, er through shared values of faith, ser- communities across the United States.