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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           DECEMBER 27, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 18

         RAYWA Foundation Hosts an Inspiring Awards Gala

            and Book Launch to Empower Neurodiverse Youth

        OUR BUREAU

        New York, NY
              he  RAYWA  Foundation,  a
              trailblazer in empowering
        Tneurodiverse  youth  and  fos-
        tering a more inclusive world, host-
        ed  its  marquee  event—The  Inspi-
        rational  Achievers  (TIA)  Awards
        Gala—on December 14, 2024, at the
        iconic The Pierre Hotel in New York
        City. Celebrating 25 years of legacy,
        this  unforgettable  evening  brought
        together  visionaries,  changemak-
        ers, and luminaries from around the
        globe to honor excellence, resilience,
        and social impact.
            Partnered  by  Pfizer,  Morgan
        Stanley,  ICICI  Bank,  Tanishq,  SG
        Worldwide, Altice USA, Aaj Tak, and
        India  Today,  the  event  highlighted
        the indomitable spirit of those rising
        above challenges to make a lasting
            “The TIA Awards are a celebra-
        tion  of  those  who  not  only  achieve
        great  success  but  also  pave  the  way
        for  others  to  follow,”  said  Manee
        Kamboj,  Co-Founder  of  the  RAY-
        WA Foundation. “It’s a tribute to the
        power of leadership rooted in empa-
        thy and purpose.”                 World  Home  project—a  pioneering  and the Roshni book are a celebra-
            Adding  to  the  evening’s  allure,
        all honorees and sponsors will be fea-  lifelong support system for neurodi-  tion of inclusion, empowerment, and   Roshni  Media  is  committed  to
                                          verse  youth  and  their  families.  Re-
                                                                            the boundless potential of the human  spotlighting  and  celebrating  South
        tured on the NASDAQ Times Square   flecting on the evening, Manee Kam-  spirit.”                      Asian  stories  of  innovation  and  ex-
        billboard  at  the  start  of  2025,  spot-  boj  concluded,  “RAYWA  is  about   The TIA Awards Gala stands as  cellence  across  the  globe.  Through
        lighting their remarkable achieve-  creating  a  future  where  every  indi-  a powerful testament to the RAYWA  storytelling,  events,  and  initiatives,
        ments globally.                   vidual, regardless of their challenges,  Foundation’s unwavering mission of  Roshni Media bridges communities,
            The  event,  hosted  by  celebrat-
        ed  actor  Omi  Vaidya  and  anchor   has  the  tools  and  opportunities  to  fostering  resilience,  inclusion,  and  fostering  a  more  inclusive  and  dy-
                                          thrive.  Tonight’s  TIA  Awards  Gala  transformation. To learn more, visit:  namic world.
        Shanelle Kaul, featured a breathtak-
        ing Tanishq USA Fashion Show, cele-                                 • Chiro Aikat – EVP, Mastercard   • Greg  Reid  –  Author,  Speaker,
        brating sustainable luxury and global   AND THE AWARDS GO TO…       • Ashu Rathor – Partner, EY         and Entrepreneur
        craftsmanship.  Enchanting  dance    This year’s distinguished honorees,
        and musical performances captivated    representing diverse industries and    Philanthropy and Community Impact  Healthcare and Science Leadership
        the audience, blending tradition with       causes, included:       • Robin Ganzert – President & CEO,   • Dr. Julie Russak – Founder, Rus-
        modern  expression.  A  centerpiece                                   American Humane                   sak Dermatology Clinic
        of  the  evening  was  the  unveiling  of   Lifetime Achievement Awards  • Parekh Family Foundation – Phil-  • Chirag Patel – Chief Strategy Of-
        the limited-edition coffee table book   • Alan Cumming – Actor, Author,   anthropic Organization        ficer, Vertex Pharmaceuticals
        authored  by  Dr.  Rashmee  Sharma.   and Activist                  • Mayor  Neena  Singh  –  Mayor  of   • Dr. Satheesh Kathula – Oncolo-
        “The Roshni coffee table book brings   •  Princess  Diya  Kumari  –  Philan-  Montgomery Township       gist and Philanthropist
        to life the stories of those who have   thropist and Politician     • Raju Sethi – Media Entrepreneur
        turned  adversity  into  opportunity,”   •  Tonino  Lamborghini  –  Luxury  • Dr. Rajendra Bansal – Philanthro-  Arts and Culture Excellence
        said  Dr.  Sharma.  “It  is  a  testament   Brand Innovator           pist and Healthcare Entrepreneur  • Claudia  Wells  –  Actress  and
        to the transformative power of resil-                                                                   Philanthropist
        ience, perfectly aligned with the heart   Corporate Leadership Excellence  Innovation and Entrepreneurship  • Rhea Raj – Singer and Songwriter
        of the TIA Awards.”                •  Saul Van Buerden – Head of Con-  • Sunil Bagaria – Founder & Presi-  • Ashfer  Biju  –  Executive  Chef,
            Proceeds from the gala will drive
                                                                                                                The Pierre Hotel
                                                                              dent, GDB International
        RAYWA  Foundation’s  transforma-     sumer & Small Business Banking,   • Bobby Garg – Branding Expert in   • Namratha  Prashanth  –  Winery
                                             Wells Fargo
        tive  initiatives,  including  vocational   • Dennis Mathew-CEO, Altice USA  the Liquor Industry        Expert, Italy
        training,  scholarships,  and  the  One
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