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North                       The Indian Eye


         14                                                                                                            DECEMBER 27, 2024

         NYC Mayor Adams and Administration Deliver

         Safer, more affordable New York City in 2024

            Mayor Adams’ Third Year in Office Marked by Safer Streets and Subways, Record

                              Amounts of Jobs, Small Businesses, Housing Construction

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                                Putting  Public  Housing  First:
                                                                                                              The  Adams  administration  contin-
        NEW YORK, NY
                                                                                                              ued to prioritize the New York City
              s he concludes his third year in                                                                Housing  Authority  (NYCHA),  un-
              office,  New  York  City  Mayor                                                                 locking $1.35 billion in capital repairs
        AEric  Adams,  senior  City  Hall                                                                     for nearly 7,600 residents through the
        officials,  and  commissioners  from                                                                  Permanent  Affordability  Commit-
        agencies  across  city  government  to-                                                               ment Together program in FY24.
        day released a list of key wins deliv-                                                                      Supporting  New  Yorkers  Expe-
        ered to New Yorkers throughout 2024                                                                   riencing  Unsheltered  Homelessness:
        and over the course of the last three                                                                 Under  the  Adams  administration,
        years, showcasing once again how the                                                                  New York City has made significant
        Adams  administration  is  continuing                                                                 progress getting homeless New York-
        to  create  a  safer,  more  affordable                                                               ers the help and housing they need.
        New York City for all.                                                                                     Putting  Money  Back  in  Your
           “From  day  one,  our  administra-                                                                 Pockets: Under Mayor Adams’ lead-
        tion has focused on creating a safer,                                                                 ership,  New  York  City’s  Financial
        more  affordable  New  York  City.  In                                                                Empowerment  Centers  have  helped
        2024, we continued to deliver on that                                                                 more  than  25,000  New  Yorkers  re-
        vision and ‘Get Stuff Done’ for work-                                                                 duce their debt by over $37.5 million,
        ing-class  New  Yorkers,”  said  Mayor                                                                and Mayor Adams announced plans
        Adams.  “Thanks  to  our  extraordi-  ued to fall in 2024, including a 7.3 per- bringing long-overdue change to New  to relieve over $2 billion in medical
        nary public servants, America’s safest  cent drop in homicides and a 6.8 drop  York City’s zoning code. “City of Yes   debt for up to 500,000 New Yorkers.
        big city got even safer this year, with   in  shootings  year  to  date.  The  New  for Housing Opportunity” — the most   Lowering  Taxes,  Raising  Fami-
        overall  crime  down  and  thousands  York  City  Police  Department  seized   pro-housing zoning change in city his- lies: New York City’s year-round free
        of  illegal  guns,  mopeds,  and  ghost  more than 6,000 illegal guns in 2024,  tory — will create up to 80,000 new  tax prep services have already saved
        cars taken off city streets. We passed   bringing the total number of firearms   homes and invest $5 billion in housing  New Yorkers more than $220 million
        historic legislation to turn New York  taken off city streets since the start of  and infrastructure while “City of Yes   since the start of the Adams admin-
        into a ‘City of Yes,’ shattered afford- the  Adams  administration  to  more   for Economic Opportunity” supports   istration while the “NYC Earned In-
        able housing records once again, and   than 19,600.                 small  business  and  entrepreneurs.  come Tax Credit”.
        put billions of dollars back into New   Strengthening  Quality  of  Life   Shattering  Affordable  Housing   Wages That Work for Working
        Yorkers’  pockets.  We  broke  records   by  Shutting  Down  Illegal  Cannabis  Records, Again: In Fiscal Year (FY)  People:  To  increase  pay  and  bene-
        for the most jobs and small businesses   Shops, Seizing Illegal Vehicles: After  2024,  the  Adams  administration  fi- fits  for  New  York  City’s  public  ser-
        in city history and moved millions of   securing the authority from Albany to   nanced  nearly  29,000  affordable  vants, the Adams administration has
        trash bags off our sidewalks and into   shut down illegal cannabis and smoke   homes and public housing units, con- reached  contracts  with  100  percent
        containers. But we know that there is   shops in New York City, the Adams   structed a record 14,700 new homes,  of New York City’s uniformed work-
        even more we can do to continue to   administration launched “Padlock to   and  connected  a  record  number  of  force and, this year, increased the per-
        uplift  working-class  families.  As  we  Protect,” closed more than 1,300 ille- New  Yorkers  to  affordable  housing   centage of municipal employees with
        look to the future, our administration  gal smoke shops, and seized over $87  units  through  CityFHEPS  and  the   contracts  to  97  percent  of  the  city’s
        remains  committed  to  keeping  New  million in illegal product.   city’s housing lottery.           total workforce.
        Yorkers  safe  and  making  our  city   Creating  Safer  Streets:  To  keep   Keeping New Yorkers in Their   Breaking  the  Jobs  Records,
        more  affordable  for  the  millions  of  New  Yorkers  safe  on  roadways  and  Homes: This year, the Adams admin- Again and Again: In 2024, the Adams

        New Yorkers who call our city home.”  sidewalks, the Adams administration   istration  launched  the  first  Tenant  administration broke records for the
            According  to  a  statement  from   upgraded 2,000 intersections in 2024  Protection  Cabinet  to  enhance   most jobs in city history and connect-
        the mayor’s office, following are the   with  improved  traffic  signals,  raised   cross-agency  collaboration  and  se- ed nearly 8,500 job seekers to employ-
        highlights from the third year of the   crosswalks,  and  instituted  other  pe-  cured  the  largest  housing  discrimi- ment,  free  training,  and  workforce
        Adams administration:             destrian safety measures.         nation  settlement  in  city  history,  im- development  through  its  “JobsNYC”
            Making  America’s  Safest  Big    Turning  New  York  Into  a  “City  posing  $1  million  in  civil  penalties   initiative. The Adams administration
        City  Even  Safer:  Under  Mayor  Ad- of Yes”: In 2024, the Adams adminis- and securing 850 apartment units for  also  unveiled  the  Green  Economy
        ams’ leadership, overall crime contin- tration passed the final two proposals,  voucher holders.      Action Plan.

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