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nORTH AMERICAn newsline                                               DECEMBER 25, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          30

          aaPI to observe january 7th as global Wear

           Yellow Day for obesity awareness & Health

        Our Bureau

        Chicago, IL

                ontinuing with the goal of creating
                awareness by educating the public
        Cand healthcare professionals, Amer-
        ican Association of Physicians of Indian
        Origin (AAPI) is observing January 7th,
        2021  as the Global Wear Yellow Day for
        Obesity Awareness & Health, showcasing
        Yellow for Energy, Motivation, Hope, Op-
        timism, Joy and Happiness. AAPI’s theme
        and campaign around the world is to: “Be
        Healthy, Be Happy.” And, the “Secret to
        Living Longer is to Eat half, Walk double,
        Laugh triple and Love without measure.”
            During an educational webinar on
        NObesity held on December 12th, 2020
        and led by internationally renowned health-
        care leaders, Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda,
        President of AAPI said, “The impact and
        role of AAPI in influencing policy makers
        and the public is ever more urgent today.  mission to help 100 000 000 people across  Chair is Dr. Uma Koduri and co-chairs are
        AAPI being the largest ethnic medical or- the world overcome obesity & maintain a  Drs. Padmaja Adusumili (Veteran obesity),
        ganization in USA and the second largest  healthy body for life.                                  Pooja Kinkabwala (Childhood obesity) and
        organized medical association after AMA,             Dr. Hira Nair, a Professor of Psycholo- Uma Jonnalagadda (Adult obesity) with
        we have the power and responsibility to  gy at Kansas City Kansas Community Col- chief advisors Dr. Kishore Bellamkonda
        influence the state and the public through  lege, the Coordinator of the Teacher Edu- and Dr. Lokesh Edara.
        education for health promotion and dis- cation Program, believes that education is                   “While following in the footsteps of
        ease prevention. Hence AAPI is trying ‘To  transformative and psychology prepares  American Heart Association initiatives,
        Educate to Empower’ as ‘An Ounce of Pre- students to live an introspective and collab- “National Wear Red Day, on the first Fri-
        vention is Worth a Pound of Cure.’ In this  orative life. She has recently joined efforts  day in February,” which has become an
        context, AAPI is in the process of getting  with AAPI to educate the local communi- annual campaign to raise awareness about
        Wear Yellow for Obesity Awareness Proc- ty about food addiction and anti-obesity.  heart disease in women, AAPI is leading
        lamation from the White House so it can  She works tirelessly on social justice issues  a campaign to create awareness on Obesi-
        be implemented nationwide. So far, we got  within the context of the community, and  ty,” said Dr. Sajani Shah, Chairwoman of
        official proclamations from   Mayors from  around the globe. She shared with the au- AAPI BOT.
        several States,” he added.                       dience, her own experiences while actively          Dr. Anupama Gotimukula,  Presi-
            The interactive webinar was moderated  participating in building community aware- dent-Elect of AAPI said, “With obesity
        by Dr. Uma Jonnaladadda, Chair of AA- ness of important global issues such as hun- proving to be a major epidemic affecting
        PI’s  Physicians  Section;  Board  Certified  ger and the importance of educating the girl  nearly one third of the nation’s population,
        Family Medicine Secretary, GAPIO, and  child.                                                     we have a responsibility to save future gen-
        AAPI’s First Lady. Other moderators were:            Major contributors for the success of  erations by decreasing childhood obesity.
        Dr. Padmaja Adusumilli, and Dr. Pooja  AAPI’s obesity awareness campaign over  And therefore, we at AAPI are proud to
        Kinkhabwala.                                     the years include, Dr. Uma Koduri, who  undertake this national educational tour
            The  eminent  speakers  at  the  Webi- had organized the pilot programs for child- around the United States, impacting thou-
        nar included: Muamer Dajdic, a Motiva- hood obesity in USA since 2013, childhood  sands of children and their families.”
        tional Educator, who had struggled with  obesity in India in 2015 and Veteran obe-                   Dr.  Satheesh  Kathula,  Treasurer  of
        obesity his whole life. He shared with the  sity in USA in 2017 with the help of Drs.  AAPI, said, “AAPI has taken this initiative
        audience his own inspiriting life’s story of  Sanku Rao, Jayesh Shah, Aruna Venkatesh  as a “main stream” issue in both children
        how weighing nearly 500 lbs, with obesity  for childhood obesity, Vikas Khurana,  and adults, in the US and in India. AAPI
        almost killing him, he lost over 300 lbs. in  Satheesh Kathula for Veteran obesity, and  has helped organize several childhood obe-
        1.5 years. The author of an upcoming book:  Janaki Srinath, Uma Chitra, Avanti Rao for  sity and veterans obesity programs across
        The Healthy Living Process, he earned the  childhood obesity in India.                            the US. We have the right team to take this
        Melting Snowman nickname & set out on a              Presently, AAPI Obesity Committee’s  project forward”.

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