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nORTH AMERICAn newsline DECEMBER 25, 2020 | The Indian Eye 26
Desi doctors show courage
and direction as vaccination begins
Our Bureau (to develop the vaccine) may
New York have been short, but the amount
of hours and resources that have
elebrated Indian-Amer- been put into developing the
ican cancer physician, coronavirus vaccines has been
Cresearcher and author tremendous and almost at par
Siddhartha Mukherjee has sug- with previous vaccines devel-
gested that one should get the oped over longer periods of time.
vaccine whenever one becomes “Science says we can beat
eligible for it. A professor of the disease by using face masks,
medicine at Columbia Univer- maintaining social distanc-
sity founder of a vaccine-de- ing and regular hand-washing.
livery platform called Othe- These are the three basic princi-
na, Mukherjee took the Pfizer ples that everybody needs to fol-
vaccine this week and tweeted low whether you get the vaccine
about it. or not. This needs to continue till
Several Indian-American we get the herd immunity,” said
physicians, in the frontline of Shah, a past president of AAPI.
the fight against the pandemic, Cardiologist Dr Avinash
are publicly taking the corona- Gupta and President of Bi-
virus vaccine and encouraging har Jharkhand Association of
others to get the shots, empha- Dr. siddhartha mukherjee North America also publicly
sizing that the vaccine is the received the COVID-19 vac-
“only saving grace” and a “sci- agency PTI. of Board of Trustees of Texas cine. Former President of Fed-
entific blessing” that will help Dr Jayesh Shah, wound care Medical Association and Presi- eration Of Indian Association
the world win the battle against and hyperbaric physician based dent of South Texas Wound As- Alok Kumar tweeted a picture
COVID-19. in Texas, also received the Pfizer sociates, said. of Gupta receiving the vaccine
“We all should take the vac- vaccine publicly. He said a ma- Addressing the scepticism and expressed gratitude to him
cine. It is very effective and we jority of people need to take the people may have about the vac- for “taking the leadership role”
are seeing good results. The vac- vaccine as that is the only way to cine, which has been developed in publicly taking the immuni-
cine is the only saving grace we beat COVID-19. He added that in a record time compared to zation shot. Pfizer’s and BioN-
have right now and we have to if about 70 per cent of the pop- previous vaccines that have tak- Tech’s combined manufacturing
take it,” former President of the ulation takes the vaccine, that en years, Shah said, “It was all network has the potential to sup-
American Association of Physi- will help create herd immunity. hands-on deck. Everybody was ply globally up to 50 million vac-
cians of Indian Origin (AAPI) “The vaccine is indeed a scien- working on the vaccines full cine doses in 2020 and up to 1.3
Dr. Suresh Reddy told the new tific blessing,” Shah, member time,” and added that the time billion doses by the end of 2021.
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