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nORTH AMERICAn newsline                                               DECEMBER 25, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          24

                                        scientists, engineers,

         entrepreneurs and corporate leaders

                      join aseI’s virtual convention

               NaveeN jaIN aND jYotI BaNsaL amoNg tHe aWarD WINNers

                merican Society of En-
                gineers of Indian Origin
       A(ASEI) hosted its 33rd
        Annual National Convention
        focusing on Global Engineer-
        ing & Technologies (GET-
        2020). This virtual convention
        was held on December 5th and
        6th, 2020. While the speakers
        and participants were on the
        Zoom platform, it was lives-
        treamed worldwide through
        YouTube.  Attended by scien-
        tists, engineers, entrepreneurs
        and corporate leaders across
        the USA, the two-day event
        featured keynotes and multi-
        ple interactive  sessions with
        prominent business and tech-
        nology leaders, scientists and
        engineering entrepreneurs. At
        the Finale session on the sec-
        ond day, ASEI recognized four
        engineering achievers and four  covered by the ancient Indians  by Dr Robert Sutor, VP Quan-                  minimal resources.
        service excellence and contrib- have created and strengthened  tum, IBM Research. Quantum                        The next session was on
        utors to ASEI.                       the fundamentals of modern  computing aims to solve com-                 User      Experience      Design
            The convention started with  science and technology. While  plex problems the world’s most                (UXD), which is a design pro-
        a welcome by ASEI President  some of these groundbreaking  powerful supercomputers can-                       cess whose sole objective is to
        Jwalant Lakhia. It was emceed  contributions have been ac- not solve. Leading the race in                     design a  system that  offers a
        by Anu Gopalakrishnan. The  knowledged, some are still un- this field is IBM, though Goo-                     great experience to its users.
        first  keynote  speaker  Deval  known to most, and he shared  gle, Microsoft, Amazon and lot                  Thus, UXD embraces the the-
        Desai,  VP Magna  Int.  spoke  some of the profound inven- of others are all putting heavy                    ories of a number of disciplines
        about Contributions of Indian  tions that have and will contin- investment bets in Quantum as                 such as user interface design,
        Technologists and weaved the  ue to shape the future of hu- well.                                             usability, accessibility, informa-
        storyline from mythology to  mankind. It was heartening to                   The next speaker was Prof        tion architecture, and Human
        history to modern era in a very  see the contribution of Indian  Solomon Darwin, often known                  Computer Interaction.
        short span of time. From mak- women scientists and engineers  as the “Father of Smart Village                    The  first  speaker  Urmila
        ing the best steel in the world  highlighted  in  a  field  typically  Movement.” Dr, Darwin spoke            Kashyap, Senior User Experi-
        to teaching the world to count,  dominated by men. There were  on Agritech innovations for a                  ence Designer with VMware,
        India was actively contributing  so many factoids about things  Smarter Village. Dr Darwin                    talked about UX design sys-
        to the field of science and tech- and achievements of unsung  shared how UC Berkeley Haas                     tems for enterprise products
        nology long before the mod- engineering heroes that would  School  defines  the  concept                      based on her 10+ years of
        ern world evolved. One of the  make anyone hailing from the  and after that shared about his                  UXD experience working with
        oldest civilizations in the world,  Indian subcontinent proud!           books and publications in ad-        large companies like Moody’s
        India has a strong tradition of         The  first  technical  session  dition to the agricultural inno-      & VMware. Surbhi Kaul, GM
        science and technology. Many  Quantum computing by Danc- vations that have the potential                      and  Head  of  Product  at  Juni-
        theories and techniques dis- ing with Qubits was a keynote  to  make  villages  smarter  with                     Continued on next page... >>

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