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nORTH AMERICAn newsline DECEMBER 25, 2020 | The Indian Eye 20
from sacramento to seattle, groups raise
voice in support of farmers in India
seven Us lawmakers write to mike Pompeo to take up the issue with the India government
Now, the voices being raised
Our Bureau
across the country have reached
Washington DC/Seattle the national capital as well.
A group of seven prominent
n December 19, thou- American lawmakers—one Re-
sands gathered at Sac-
Oramento State to pro- publican and six Democrats in-
test India’s new farming laws. “I cluding Indian American Con-
think it’s about time … to show gresswoman Pramila Jayapal
have written to US Secretary of
the people that are protesting State Mike Pompeo requesting
(in India) that we’re with them,” him to share their serious con-
said Karam Singh, one of the cerns with his Indian counter-
organizers, as quoted in a story
part, External Affairs Minister
by the Sacramento Bee. S Jaishankar about the ongoing
Protests have been taking farmers’ protest in India.
place in other cities too, includ- The letter addressed to
ing New York and Seattle. Pompeo, dated December 23,
“For the past two weeks, 2020, said that the farmers’ ag-
Sikh Americans in at least 13 itation is a major concern of the
states have gathered in vehicle mie Johansson. to protest new agricultural laws Sikh Americans, whose roots
caravans and assembled at so- “California Farm Bureau in India. Multiple car rallies or- lie in Punjab, India, and has a
cially-distant rallies to protest in represents a diverse set of all ganized by the nonprofit Sikh heavy impact on Indian Ameri-
solidarity with a growing move- farmers in our state, including American organization Jakara cans with origins in other Indian
ment of farmers more than 7,000 Sikh farmers, and stands with you Movement were launched from states as well.
miles away. Seattle has seen two in your efforts to protect the live- seven cities including Yuba City, It further stated that many
such recent demonstrations — lihood and nourishment of the Sacramento, Bakersfield and Indian Americans who have
while the Seattle City Council communities around you. We re- Fresno. Hundreds of protesters’ family members and ancestral
on Dec. 14 passed a resolution main hopeful that Indian farm- cars formed a phalanx of vehi- land in Punjab are deeply af-
in support of the issue,” wrote ers will be heard by the Indian cles along Highway 99 and In- fected and worried about the
Jasmit Singh, in a Special to The government and can find a pro- terstates 80 and 880. well-being of their families set-
Seattle Times. ductive path forward that ben- Protesters drove to the Indi- tled in India. Given that situa-
In an important develop- efits India’s agriculture sector.” an Consulate in San Francisco tion, the lawmakers urged the
ment, on Wednesday, the Cali- Recently, hundreds of pro- to circle the building, honking Secretary of State to reaffirm
fornia Farm Bureau released a testers drove in a massive car horns and waving signs, before the United States’ commit-
statement in support of Indian rally from the Bay Area and returning to Oakland’s Middle ment to the freedom of political
farmers. the Central Valley to Oakland Harbor Shoreline Park for a rally. speech.
“We understand the deep In addition to Jayapal, Con-
concern and distress from thou- gressmen Brendan F Boyle,
sands of farmers in the states of the protest, as per the report, was organized by sev- Brian Fitzpatrick, David Trone,
Punjab and Haryana to peace- eral sikh organizations, including the California Youth Debbie Dingell, Donald Nor-
fully protest recent agriculture cross, and Mary Gay Scanlon
reforms in New Delhi. The ag- sikh alliance, the Capital sikh Center of sacramento signed the letter.
riculture economy in India is a and the jakara movement. some protesters showed up In early December, another
main source of livelihood for group of three lawmakers be-
over 55% of India’s population in a school bus and sat on its roof playing drums, and longing to the American Sikh
and accounts for approximate- many brought handmade signs with messages such as Caucus had written expressing
ly 15% of their gross domestic worries over the agitation to In-
product. “No farmers, No food” and “People > Profit.”, it said. dia’s Ambassador to the United
As such a critical part of In- Protesters then drove west in a caravan on Highway States Taranjit Singh Sandhu.
dia’s economy and culture, these Several other US Congressmen
voices need to be heard just as 50, blocking traffic on roadways to downtown with mo- have conveyed their concerns
we expect our voices would be torcycles, cars and even tractors. over the farmers’ protest in In-
heard here,” said president Ja- dia over the last few weeks.
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