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OPINION                                                               DECEMBER 25, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          16

                                      On Kisan Diwas

           Let us taLK aBOut

                             tHe farmers!

                The rich farmers if they want to help their brothers the small farmers, should create the

           distribution system for farm produce that is administered and maintained by the farmers only.

        Col (ret.) virendra s tavathia
                                                                                                                      Singh understood the problems
              he  Kisan Agitation  in  In-                                                                            of our Farmers and introduced
              dia is making waves. Peo-                                                                               the minimum support price for
                                                                                                                      Sugarcane in the state.
       Tple on both sides of aisles                                                                                      The sugarcane was sold in
        are trying to make case for and                                                                               the open market for Rs 4 per
        against the Farmers Bill passed                                                                               quintal at that time. It is unfor-
        by the Indian Parliament in Sep-
        tember 2020. The aim of this ar-                                                                              tunate that the corrupt system
        ticle is neither to support nor to                                                                            has been winning in most cases,
                                                                                                                      and Ch. Charan Singh lost his
        condemn the Farmers Bill, but                                                                                 majority in less than a year.
        is  to  analyze  the  problems  of                                                                                Let  us  now  discuss some
        the Farmers, the real issues and                                                                              problems of the Farmers. How
        find some solutions for them. If
        the Farmers Bill addresses these                                                                              does the minimum support price
        problems, or if these problems                                                                                affect  farmers  and  the  general
        are brought out by the lead-                                                                                  public? We want to provide ba-
                                                                                                                      sic necessities of life to our gen-
        ers of the Farming community,  Farmers during their ongoing protest against the three farm laws at Ghazi-     eral public at the most afford-
        then provisions can be made in                         pur border, in Delhi on Friday. (ANI)                  able cost. Food is one of those
        the bill to add them, if not then                                                                             commodities. In fact, whatever
        the public would understand  of the Armed Forces and Farm- of the Nehru Family have been
        the shortcomings of the bill and  ers, and his inclination towards  in charge of the party. Pt. Neh-          farmer produces needs to be
        hollowness of  the  leaders  try- Soviet Union style socialism  ru wanted to nationalize the                  given to the general public at
        ing to be savior of the Farmers.  was detrimental to India’s rapid  entire land and do the farming            the most affordable price except
                                                                                                                      some crops like tobacco which
        Thanks to my friend Irfan Ali, it  progress. We must thank China  on Soviet Model. It was Chaud-              are not essential for survival of
        was an honor to be part of the  for giving us a beating in 1962,  hary (Ch.) Charan Singh a true              the public. If that be so, how do
        meeting where I was able to  that opened the eyes of our po- son of the soil who opposed                      we maintain the balance? If the
        listen to some award-winning  litical leaders and taught them  Mr. Nehru’s idea in the Nagpur
        well-known journalists, some  the  basic  lesson,  that  defense  Convention of Congress Party                government keeps MSP higher
        Farmers Leader, retired Su- and development must go hand  in 1959. Of course, he paid the                     for the crops then the general
                                                                                                                      public will not get it at an af-
        preme Court Judge Mr Katju,  and gloves for the prosperity of  penalty for being ignored with-                fordable price. If we keep the
        some human rights officials and  the nation. In the past 73 years  in the Congress that led to his            MSP minimum then the Farmer
        some members of farmer fami- all governments including the  leaving the Party and forming
        lies, who probably showed more  current one, have given the slo- Bhartiya Kranti Dal in 1967. Af-             will not get enough incentive to
        understanding of the Farmers  gan to fight poverty, yet we can’t  ter 1959 his popularity among               do farming. One of the ways to
        problems than the journalists  say that we have achieved any  the farming community grew to                   strike the balance is by reducing
        and the Farmer Leaders.              notable success. We are strug- new heights and of the 100 seats          the middleman’s commission
                                                                                                                      and wastage during the distribu-
            Pandit (Pt.) Jawahar Lal  gling and probably going from  his party contested in 1967, 99                  tion. Some of the provisions of
        Nehru, our first Prime Minister,  bad to worse.                          of them won. With no party in        the Farmer’s bill introduced by
        was a towering figure. His con-         Immediately after getting in- the state of Uttar Pradesh gain-        the government address some
        tribution in the independence  dependence, it was difficult for  ing a clear majority, it led to
        of India can’t be ignored. While  anyone to stand up and speak  the  first  coalition  government             of such issues. For the past 73
        he did well to bring in indus- against Pt. Nehru. A situation  in UP. An intelligent person, a                years our middlemen are mak-
        trial revolution and creating of  that has existed in Congress  good economist, and a down                    ing  fortunes  through  the farm
        Institutions like IIT, his neglect  Party whenever the members  to earth person, Ch. Charan                       Continued on next page... >>

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