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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 23, 2022 | The Indian Eye 26
Filmmaker Mukesh Modi’s OTT platform
“Indie Films World” to show Indian 3-D content
B-Town attends the grand launch of “Indie Films World” to India-First streaming platform to show Indian contents in 3-D,
contents exclusively on Q Phone & QTV along with the release of his web series ‘Mission Kashi’
New York, NY
he evening saw the presence
of Pratik Sehajpal, Vaquar
TShaikh, Brinda Parekh, Prithvi
Zutshi, Prashant Virender Sharma,
Anurag Pandey, Hansa Singh, Sunil
Pal, Parisha Sharma, Drushiyant Ka-
poor, Nivedita Basu, Ankita Maithy,
Raayo S. Bakhirta and many more.
The creative genius behind “The
Elevator,” starring Oscar-nominat-
ed Eric Roberts and Eugenia Kuz-
mina which won 3 awards - Best
Film, Best Director and Best Ac-
tor. Indian American Filmmaker,
Director Mukesh Modi has carved
his name on the trophy of Bharat
Gaurav Samman Awards for his film
“Mission Kashi*
“They say, you don’t take a
shot (in films) make a shot”-
Award-Winning Indian American them? What really happened? To
Filmmaker, Director and the founder find out Please watch “MISSION
of Indie Films World, Mukesh Modi KASHI”
gears up for his action packet drama As a filmmaker who is full of
web series titled ‘Mission Kashi’ star- ideas, Mukesh who aims to ven-
ring an interesting cast of brilliant ture into unexplored realms of film
actors -Yashveer Chaudhary, Sonu making by experimenting with new
Chaubey, Anirudha Singh, Mamta themes and subjects explains more
Rai, Prithvi Zutshi, Sujeet Asthana, about the web series Mission Kashi “I
Raghvendra Pathak, Arvind Singh, am very happy to launch Indie Films
Manish Sinha, Manoj Pandey, Ut- World in India with my web series
karsh Verma, Jay Bharati, Vijay Mission Kashi. Amongst giants like
Prakash, Sagar Verma, Aminuddin Netflix, Amazon, Hotstar, Zee and
Khan, Afreen, Sumit Srivastava, Raj others, Indie Films World is first 3D
Tripathi, Ragini Rai and others which film viewing platform, it is a one stop
will be released on his OTT platform for world entertainment. Indie Films
Indie Films World (IFW). World aims to create a space for Indie
‘Mission Kashi’ is the result of Filmmakers so that the platform can
Mukesh Modi’s long and interesting bring them more exposure, opportu-
journey of exploring various depart- nities & funds so that they can con-
ments in the industry while being tent that is unique, dynamic, and dif- nizations from neighbor country who tinue to make movies. With increase
behind the camera. Modi who is con- ficult to find elsewhere. Best of all, have always tried to break and dis- in demand for unconventional con-
stantly involved in developing new members can watch on-demand or turb India. However, this time they tent and with the Indian OTT market
revolutionary experimental thoughts select an affordable plan. Indie Films have planned to blow the most spir- growing, we see a great potential”
and unique ideas to present Indian World (IFW) creates a no-nonsense itual place Kashi. “Mission Kashi” D Star Entertainment presents
films in international frame launched solution for independent filmmak- will take audience on an emotional Mission Kashi, produced by Mukesh
widely successful streaming service— ers, but also a portal for the latest journey when the religion comes be- Modi, Story and Directed by Viivek
Indie Films World (IFW), a one-stop and top-rated variety of films for au- tween the love, and how the terrorists Srivastava, Co- Producer- Vijay
Over the Top (OTT) Platform for diences who have grown tired of the can manipulate the love. After taking Prakash, Mamta Rai, Pujashri, Writ-
the new world of entertainment in same collection of films available on the help from some innocent people, er - Manoj Pandey, DOP- Chandan
streaming movies, web series, live mainstream platforms. terrorists have challenged the system Singh, Music- Prakhar Lakkhiwal,
TV, TV shows, podcasts, and more. Mission Kashi’s plot revolves that intelligent service can’t stop the Editor - Manish Sinha, Costume -
IFW is dedicated to providing con- around terrorists and terrorists orga- blow to Kashi. Who were helping Vaisali Navgire.