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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 23, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 24

        Society of Indo-American Engineers and Architects

          Celebrates its 40th Annual Gala in New York City

                Recognizes honorees for their contribution in the architectural, engineering, planning and
                                             construction fields and provides scholarships

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              he  Society  of  Indo-American
              Engineers and Architects (SI-
        TAEA) hosted their 40th Annu-
        al  Gala  on  Saturday,  November  12,
        2022, which was attended by over 600
        members and their guests.  The theme
        of the Gala was the “Power of Diversi-
        ty and Inclusion”.  This theme reflects
        upon the diversity of groups and cele-
        brates its uniqueness. It’s about help-
        ing people feel that they belong and
        that their contribution matters. Ketan
        shah,  SIAEA  President  addressed
        that Our theme for the gala this year
        is ‘Power of Diversity and Inclusion’,
        and this theme could not have come at   Ketan Shah, NYC Deputy Commissioner Dilip Chauhan and Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte   SIAEA’s current President Ketan Shah
        a better time, when so much is chang-
        ing all around us. This theme is repre-                                                           The following is the  list  of 2022 SIAEA
        sented tonight not only in words, but                                                          Award  Honorees.    For  the  Honorees,  each
        in  our  special  guests,  honorees,  and                                                      year, SIAEA selects individuals who have dis-
        all the attendees in the audience too.                                                         tinguished themselves for their vision and their
        Each person brings a wealth of knowl-                                                          commendable contributions to our professions.
        edge, experience, and a strong sense
        of  hard  work,  resilience,  and  future
        endeavors.  A key part of the Gala is                                                               2022 Special Honoree Awards
        to recognize and award professionals
        who have contributed to the architec-                                                          • Vipul Dev – Consul (Political and PIC) of
        tural, engineering and construction in-                                                          India
        dustry and to provide scholarships to                                                          • Dilip  Chauhan,  Deputy  Commissioner,  In-
        a select group of current students who                                                           ternational Affairs, New York City
        may need financial assistance.                                                                 • Aileen  del  Prado,  Senior,  Director,  NYC
            The  SIAEA  President,  Ketan                                                                School Construction
        Shah, says this of the Gala: “The Gala
        is our biggest event of year.  My Ex-                                                                   2022 Honoree Awards
        ecutive Committee and I have worked
        diligently for months to create an                                                             • Ali  Chaudhry,  Senior  Vice  President  and
        event that is fun and honors individ-                                                            Chief Development Officer, AECOM
        uals that have excelled in their profes-                                                       • Sandeep Mehrotra, Vice President, Hazen &
        sions.  It’s a night of music, food, and      Kalpana Patel Shah with the Scholarship Honorees   Sawyer
        friends”.  Many elected officials and                                                          • Hermie Patel, President, AME
        dignitaries also attended the event                                                            • Jayesh Patel, Principal, Crest Engineering
        to congratulate the award honorees   and is responsible for a $18.7 bil-  Radin said: “SIAEA provides an   • Chitra Radin, President, Radin Consulting
        and the scholarship recipients. Long-  lion capital plan.  The Chief Guest  opportunity for the engineers, ar-  • Darsh  Shah,  Associate  Principal,  Super
        time  supporter  and  SIAEA  friend,   of the evening was Jamila Glean  chitects, planners, and construction   Structure
        former NY State Senator Ruth Has-  who is a Vice President at the  professionals  of  the  Indo-Ameri-
        sell-Thompson  was  there  along  with   Division of Minority & Women  can community to come together
        NY State Assembly Members Rod-    Business Development at the Em-  to exchange ideas and help one an-  2022 Award Honoree for Under 40
        neyse Bichotte Hermelym and Jenifer   pire State Development Corpora-  other professionally. SIAEA also
        Rajkumar. Mr. Vipul Dev from the   tion. Big supporters and long-time  encourages our youth to pursue  • Priya Shah, Associate, Gensler
        Indian  Consul  General  Office  was   SIAEA sponsors, Past Presidents  careers in these fields by offering   At  the  conclusion  of  the  event,  SIAEA
        present as well.  The Keynote Speaker   Nayan  Parikh  and  Mihir  Patel,  them scholarships.”  Throughout  President reiterated that “the success of this
        for the Gala was Mr. Gordon Tung.     also made sure that the Gala was  the  year,  SIAEA  offers  technical  Gala is because of the hard work performed by
        Mr. Tung is a Vice President at NYC   a huge success.            seminars  re-enforcing  our  on-go- our Executive Committee and the three Gala
        School  Construction  Authority.    He   Speaking  about  the  SIAEA,  ing commitment to professional  co-chairs (Mitul Patel, Chitra Radin and Yo-
        has over 450 professionals under him   Executive  Board  Member  Chitra  growth for our members.  gesh Mistry).

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