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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 23, 2022 | The Indian Eye 20
Community in Baltimore,
Maryland, Celebrates the Centennial
of Pramukh Swami Maharaj
This centennial celebration was one of hundreds of such events taking place not only across
North America, but also in Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia
Baltimore, MD
n an atmosphere filled with love,
inspiration, and tremendous
Ijoy, over 4800 community lead-
ers, devotees, and well-wishers alike
gathered at the UMBC Chesapeake
Employers Insurance Arena in Bal-
timore, Maryland on December 4
to commemorate the life of the late
Hindu spiritual leader, Pramukh
Swami Maharaj.
Born in 1921 and respected as
a global ambassador of peace,
harmony and values, Pramukh
Swami Maharaj served as the
spiritual leader of BAPS Swa-
minarayan Sanstha for over 65
years until his passing in 2016.
His life’s work focused on in-
spiring, nurturing, and motivating
spirituality in the lives of hundreds of
thousands of individuals throughout who were hearing his name for the Representative-elect Glenn Ivey Hindu mandirs as centers of peace
the world. very first time, the attendees were [MD-4] shared these sentiments: and worship around the world.
The theme of the centennial profoundly impacted and left with a “After hearing Pramukh Swami Ma- Living and teaching the credo,
celebration centered on three qual- better appreciation of his life, teach- haraj’s words, I can understand why “In the joy of others, lies our own”,
ities that Pramukh Swami Maharaj ings, and work. Most importantly, so many people were drawn to him. Pramukh Swami Maharaj visited over
consistently exemplified: humility, they were inspired to carry forth his These [Centennial Celebrations] 250,000 homes across more than 50
universal love, and sincere faith in message through imbibing the char- couldn’t have come at a better time. countries, and replied to over 760,000
God. The program incorporated acteristics of humility, love, and faith We need this kind of faith, love, and letters personally counseling individ-
these characteristics through speech- in their own lives. leadership to make a difference in the uals, helping them through struggles,
es and skits as well as choregraphed Speaking on Pramukh Swami world.” and inspiring them to live value-cen-
dance segments performed by the Maharaj’s impact, Congressman Howard County Executive Cal- tric lives.
children and youth wings of BAPS. Kweisi Mfume [MD-7] said, “This vin Ball III reflected on the idea of This centennial celebration was
Video blessings were given event is significant because it rep- legacy at the event: “I thought about one of hundreds of such events taking
on the occasion by Mahant Swa- resents so many individuals all over all of the people with whom [Pra- place not only across North America,
mi Maharaj, the current spiritu- the globe who have been touched mukh Swami Maharaj] has interact- but also in Europe, Africa, Asia and
al guru and President of BAPS. by the words, teachings and vision of ed with, and its ripple effect through Australia, eventually culminating in
Community leaders also took part Pramukh Swami Maharaj.” time and space. That is legacy.” a final, month-long, grand celebra-
and offered their sincere tributes. He continued, “When I listened Under Pramukh Swami Ma- tion in India in December, which is
From those who have tried to to His Holiness’ comments [on faith], haraj’s leadership, BAPS established expected to be attended by millions
follow the example set by Pramukh you could tell this is a person who has an international presence with the of devotees and well-wishers from
Swami Maharaj for decades to those lived it.” creation of over 1,100 traditional around the world.