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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline Op-Ed                                      DECEMBER 23, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 22

                                                               By Invitation

                    A SAFER NEW YORK IS


            We are working hard and working smart to make the most of our resources and to make our city safer

                  ERIC ADAMS

                 hile I was on the campaign
                 trail,  I  met  many  New
        WYorkers who expressed
        their desire for a safer city.  New
        Yorkers want to feel safe in their
        neighborhoods,  at  their  places  of
        worship,  in  the  subway  and  on  the
        streets.  I vowed to make public safe-
        ty  my  top  priority,  and  under  the
        bold leadership of NYPD Commis-
        sioner Keechant Sewell, our efforts
        are paying off.  We have a lot more
        work to do, but I want to be clear to
        New Yorkers: we are making prog-
            For  the  first  time  this  year,  we
        saw a drop of 1.2% in overall index   fight  against  “Ghost  Guns”—these   troduced a surge of 1200 additional   white,  19%  black  and  15%  Asian.
        crimes in November compared to    are guns that can be ordered on-  police  officers  patrolling  subway   And on average, this group is 29%
        November of 2021.  What does that   line and assembled at home; they   platforms and trains each day. As a   female.
        mean?  It means that in November   do not have serial numbers and are   result, in just over a month, we have   There is much more work that
        of 2022 compared to November      untraceable,  which  makes  stopping   seen a 12.8% reduction in major   remains  to  be  done.    Crime  is  still
        of  2021,  we  saw  a  32.8%  decrease   them from entering our city even   crime in transit stations compared to   substantially higher than it was in
        in  shootings,  a  14.1%  decrease  in   more urgent.               the same period last year.        2107,  and  New  Yorkers  deserve  to
        rapes,  a  6%  decrease  in  burglary,   We  have  more  officers  on  pa-  We’re addressing the problem   be safer than they are right now.
        and a 5.5% in grand larceny.      trol in key neighborhoods, and new-  of  “Ghost  Cars”—cars  with  illegal   We will not rest until New York-
            We have also removed more     ly-created  Neighborhood  Safety   paper or obscured license plates that   ers both ARE safe and FEEL safe.
        than 6750 guns from our streets so   Teams are focusing on the 30 pre-  don’t  follow  our  traffic  rules.    And   Public safety is the key to prosperi-
        far this year.  Gun arrests are at a   cincts where a majority of violence   we’re pursuing targeted bail reform   ty.  It is the only way we can achieve
        27-year high.  And we’ve seen a de-  occurs.  We are working hard and   in Albany.                    a just and equitable New York in
        crease in murders and shootings.   working smart to make the most of    Just  as  important,  we  have   which  everyone—no  matter  what
            This is not a coincidence.  It   our resources and to make our city   achieved historic diversity in hiring.     language  you  speak,  or  where  you
        shows that our laser focus on public   safer.                       We want our NYPD academy classes   come from—can thrive. I promised
        safety is working.  We created an an-  As part of our Subway Safety   to resemble the neighborhoods they   I would make a difference on public
        ti-gun unit that has been effective at   Plan,  we  are  sending  mobile  crisis   serve so they can better understand   safety  during  my  campaign,  and  as
        removing illegal firearms, and we’ve   teams and outreach workers into   our  diverse communities’  needs   mayor, I am proud to say that we are
        added more checks to detect illegal   the system to connect with homeless   and  form  closer  connections.  So,   well on our way to a safer New York.
        guns before they enter New York   New Yorkers and help them get the   our most recent hires to the NYPD    Eric Adams is the Mayor of
        City. We’ve also had success in our   assistance they need.  We’ve also in-  are on average 41% Hispanic, 23%   New York City, New York

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