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BOLLYWOOD SPECIAL                                                  DECEMBER 23, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 30

                  Vietnam Tourism Forum honors filmmaker

         Rahul Mittra for contribution to cinema and arts

          Cinema is the most powerful tool for tourism promotion,’ says the filmmaker at the glittering event

                                                     held at the Vietnamese Embassy

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                             Randeep Hooda & Rahul Mittra

        New Delhi                                                                                               to be special guests at 70th
                                                                                                                 Anniversary of India-Japan
              cclaimed  filmmaker  &  brand-                                                                        diplomatic relations
              ing specialist Rahul Mittra was
        Ahonoured for his contribution
        to cinema and the arts at the Viet-
        nam Tourism Forum at the sprawling
        Embassy  of  Vietnam  in  Chanakyapu-
        ri,  New  Delhi  recently.  Rahul  Mittra
        had earlier this year in August led a
        high-level  delegation  of  the  Indian
        film industry for the first ever Namaste
        Vietnam Festival held in Ho Chi Minh                                                                   N     oted Bollywood actor &
        city and Nha Trang to mark 75 years of                                                                       Equestrian Randeep Hoo-
        Indian Independence and 50 years of                                                                          da  will  be  a  special  guest,
        diplomatic ties between the countries.                                                                 accompanied by close friend
            On the occasion of the 50th an-                                                                    award-winning   filmmaker   &
        niversary of diplomatic relations be-                                                                  branding  specialist  Rahul  Mittra
        tween Vietnam and India, the Embas-                                                                    at the 70th anniversary of the es-
        sy of Vietnam in India, in coordination                                                                tablishment of diplomatic rela-
        with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs                                                                   tions between India & Japan at an
                                                                                                               exclusive function in the capital
        and  the  Ministry  of  Culture,  Sports                                                               city  on  Sunday,  December  18th.
        and Tourism of Vietnam organised the             Rahul Mittra (center) received the honor in New Delhi  While Indian Army Chief General
        Vietnam Tourism Forum in India.                                                                        Manoj Pandey will preside over the
            The forum was organised in or-                                                                     function, Japanese Ambassador to
        der to prioritize the promotion and                                                                    India  Suzuki  Hiroshi,  representa-
        discussion on high-end weddings, golf                                                                  tives  of  Japan  Association  Delhi,
        tourism, conference and filming des-                                                                   Japan Chamber of Commerce and
        tinations. Delivering his keynote ad-                                                                  Industry  in  India,  Japan  Founda-
        dress, award-winning filmmaker-actor                                                                   tion New Delhi, JETRO New Del-
        Rahul Mittra stressed on the impor-                                                                    hi  Office,  JICA  India  Office  and
        tance of locations in films and spoke                                                                  JNTO Delhi Office, apart from top
        at length on film-induced tourism and                                                                  diplomats and corporate honchos
        how cinema is one of the biggest soft                                                                  of both the countries are expected
        powers of enhancing  tourism  & in-                                                                    to attend this coveted event.
        creasing visibility.                                                                                       The   anniversary  celebra-
            “Cinema  is  the  most  powerful                                                                   tions  will  include  Horse-riding
        tool of mass communication for tour-                                                                   performances  of  Yabusame,  one
        ism  promotion,”  said  Rahul  Mittra                                                                  of Japan’s traditional martial art
        to a massive applause from the au-                                                                     and Tent pegging which is a cav-
        dience.                                                                                                alry sport of ancient origin widely
            This special function was attend-                                                                  played in India. The highlight of
        ed by Ambassador of Vietnam in In-                                                                     the event will be Bollywood star &
        dia, Nepal & Bhutan Nguyen Thanh                                                                       equestrian Randeep Hooda riding
                                                                                                               a horse, apart from delivering a key
        Hai, Co-Chairman Tourism Commit-                                                                       note address on the occasion.
        tee  PHD  Chamber  of  Commerce  &                                                                         Japanese prime minister Fu-
        Industry Rajan Sehgal, Deputy Direc-                                                                   mio Kishida had visited India on
        tor General International cooperation                                                                  March 19 earlier this year for two
        from the Ministry of Culture & Tour-                                                                   days for the 14th India-Japan An-
        ism Vietnam Tran Nhat Hoang,  Man-                                                                     nual Summit with Prime Minister
        ager Sales India of Vietnam Airlines                                                                   Narendra Modi, who had expressed
        Jaideep Massand,  senior government                                                                    his happiness to see the ties between
        functionaries,  dignitaries  &  top  rep-                                                              both countries “deepened in every
        resentatives of travel fraternity from                                                                 sphere, whether strategic, econom-
        both the countries, corporate honchos                   The filmmaker speaks at the forum              ic  or  people-to-people  contacts.”
        & media professionals.

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