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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 16, 2022 | The Indian Eye 25
AAPI Share the Warmth Program Brings Comfort
to the Needy across the USA
OUR BUREAU believe we need to give back and
serve the less fortunate in our society
Chicago, IL
in times of their need. Please contrib-
s the wintry weather is upon ute generously of any amount and
us, we at AAPI want to con- each $15 dollars you donate can pro-
Atinue the tradition of provid- vide a blanket to the person in need.”
ing comfort and warmth to those that Dr. Kolli, while expressing grati-
need the help most during this holi- tude and appreciation to the numer-
day season,” said Dr. Ravi Kolli, Pres- ous AAPI chapters for organizing
ident of the American Association of the blanket drives around the nation
Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI). said, “Realizing how this initiative
“Therefore, we are renewing the tra- benefits several needy in the com-
dition under the `Share the Warmth munity, gives us the motivation to
AAPI 2022 Blanket Drive` and re- organize many such events and give
quest your support to make this ini- back to the local community. We
tiative a success and impactful.” strongly feel that we can accom-
For several years, AAPI at the plish much more with support and
national level and various local chap- that AAPI with local chapters Share you to make a generous donation participation from all our generous
ters at the state level have been joint- a Blanket program going extremely to this fund and your contribution AAPI physicians.
ly leading efforts to bring warmth well and I am proud to say that more would surely give great comfort to AAPI launched the “Share-
and cheer into the lives of the needy than 30 Chapters have come ahead the needy and bring a big smile to A-Blanket” project during the
across the United States. This pro- to join the program, said Dr. Raghu their faces. Anything would help. holiday season in 2019 during the
gram was started in 2019 and it has Lolabhattu, Vice Chair AAPI Board Every dollar you donate would make presidency of Dr. Suresh Reddy to
now become an annual tradition of of Trustees and Chair, Share A Blan- a difference for someone.”“We at bring warmth to the needy and Dr.
giving by AAPI to local communities. ket program. AAPI are extremely grateful for the Binod Sinha, founder President of
AAPI’s “Share the Warmth” project “The goal of the program is for opportunities we have been blessed NJ AAPI in New Jersey organized
has donated thousands of blankets AAPI to work with as many local with to serve the communities we live and conducted it successfully that
to the poor and the needy in several chapters throughout the nation and in and work in,” said Dr. V. Ranga, year and since then it has been held
homeless shelters across the nation. function as one entity which is work- Chair of APPI BOT. “As a token of annually by AAPI and local patron
“I am very happy to inform you ing very well. I request every one of our appreciation and gratitude, we chapters of AAPI.
“FOUR SAMOSAS” movie premiered in Los Angeles
RAJENDRA VORA decides to disrupt her future wedding And will Vinny ever finish a song? Soni (Deadpool) were hilarious.
by stealing her dowry diamonds from Set entirely in LA’s “Little India”. Mayor of City of Artesia Melissa
Los Angeles
her father’s grocery store. Crewing FOUR SAMOSAS is a love letter Ramos joined leading Indian Amer-
t was lovely evening of Los Ange- up with an actor who longs to go to to all the “Little India’s” around the icans Rajendra Vora, Drs Shubha &
les & invitees were excited to see Bollywood, a resourceful do-gooding world, and a celebration of re-discov- Sanjiv Jain, Actor & Associate pro-
Ivery first all South Asian Ameri- newspaper editor and a malcontent ering your voice and finding your crew. ducer Smita Bagla for Four Samosas
can cast of “ Four Samosas” immigrant engineer, Vinny and his It was Directed and written by screening. Mayor also presented cer-
When wannabe rapper VINNY gang somehow pull off the heist de- Ravi Kapoor (Miss India America) tificate of proclamations to Ravi Ka-
discovers that his fatalistic ex-girl- spite their obvious ineptitude. But will while acting of Actor/Producer Venk poor & Smita Bagla. After the screen-
friend RINA is now engaged to a goat- the theft get Vinny and Rina back to- Potula (Veep), Actress Sonal Shah ing Q&A was held with the cast & it was
shit recycler named SANJAY, Vinny gether again or lead to more misery? (Baby Play, Scrubs) & Actor Karan moderated by comedian Rajiv Satyal.