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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 16, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 20

        Edison Public Library and GOPIO-Edison organize a

                successful Diwali and Thanksgiving Celebration

        OUR BUREAU                        Hall was beautifully decorated with gar-  and another event on November 6th   ber Chitranjan Sahay Belwariar giving
                                          lands, photobooth and welcome desk.  for “Investment and retirement plan-  vote of thanks to all the participants,
        Edison, NJ
                                              The Diwali Event Started with reg-  ning” with experts. The community   Library staff, media partners, and au-
               lobal Organization of People   istration networking with tea that had   had very enthusiastically participated   diences. He also thanked Dr Thomas
               of Indian Origin Edison NJ   generated lots of interest and people   in both the events and was fully sub-  Abraham, Chairman GOPIO Inter-
        GChapter         (GOPIO-Edison,   started coming from the Tristate area.   scribed. Emcees for the Diwali event   national for his guidance for the GO-
        NJ) hosted the “Diwali & Thanks-  Many came with their families to join   were Srishti Agrawal and Anumegha   PIO-Edison.
        giving”  celebration  at  North  Branch   the celebration and cultural event at   Saxena and both conducted the pro-  Ritesh Agrawal managed the
        of Library in Edison, NJ. The event   the Edison Public Library. Before the   gram very well, engaging the audienc-  registration desk and guided the au-
        was fully subscribed, and the audience   start of the event, audiences enjoyed   es with games and bringing each par-  dience for the event and provided
        came with family and children to par-  the tea and snacks and the opportu-  ticipant to stage.        the  benefits  of  becoming  a  member
        ticipate. This was the third successful   nity for attendees to interact freely.  The cultural celebration event   of GOPIO-Edison Chapter. The link
        event organized by GOPIO-Edison       GOPIO–Edison Chapter Presi-   participants were Mohita, Arhan,   for membership is
        since it was relaunched in March 2022.  dent Pallavi Verma welcomed every-  Dyksha, Verchas, Verad, Kaivalya and   PIO-EDISON-MEMBERSHIP.
            The program started with light-  one. She appreciated the community   Hanshit. The event also saw singing   The president of the chapter, Pal-
        ening of lamps by dignitaries includ-  coming together for the two major cel-  by Pratibha, Yogesh, along with Pal-  lavi Verma and GOPIO Edison team
        ing Edison Councilman Ajay Patil,   ebrations. She gave a brief about GO-  lavi singing some popular Bollywood   were very encouraged to see audience
        GOPIO Edison Chapter President    PIO-Edison which was relaunched in   numbers for entertainment.     turnout of the event and they have
        Pallavi Verma Belwariar and GOPIO   March 2022 and successfully conduct-  At the end, all participants were   lined up some more events in Edison
        Life member Dr. Ramesh Pandey.    ed a “India Book Launch” event on   given  appreciation  certificates  for   Public Library which they explained
        GOPIO-Edison Team members also    April 10th in the same library in part-  their participation. The program end-  in details and can be found on GO-
        joined to light the lamp. The Library   nership with Indian Consulate, NY   ed with GOPIO-Edison Board mem-  PIO-Edison Facebook page.

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