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North The Indian Eye
16 DECEMBER 16, 2022
Indian Mission at UN and
BAPS Honor the Life and Message
of Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj delivers the keynote address and expresses her deepest honor for
hosting the event on the centennial birthday of Pramukh Swami Maharaj
New York, NY
n December 7, 2022, the Per-
manent Mission of India to
Othe United Nations and the
BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha came
together to honor the life and mes-
sage of His Holiness Pramukh Swami
Maharaj and celebrate his centennial
birthday at the United Nations Head-
quarters in New York.
Pramukh Swami Maharaj (1921-
2016) served as the spiritual leader of
the BAPS for over fifty years. He was
the fifth spiritual successor of Bhag-
wan Swaminarayan and embodied
values of faith in God and service to
humanity. His striking humility, noble
services, and selfless desire to help all Dr. Kashyap Patel, BAPS volunteer and cardiologist from Atlanta, GA, gives welcome address
won him the love of everyone. With
genuine care and compassion, he con- mukh Swami Maharaj, his life work Swami Maharaj’s timeless sentiment contribute their time and money to
nected with all members of society surrounding humanitarian efforts for of the world is one family with the dec- deliver relief to more than 6 million
irrespective of race, rank, or religion. social and spiritual upliftment, and his laration, “The time to come together people worldwide.
Recognized and respected as one of foundational belief that the world is as one is now.” Sejal Patel, a BAPS volunteer
India’s greatest spiritual teachers, he one family. Mrs. Ruchira Kamboj delivered who is an associate director of profes-
truly lived and taught the principle Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s ad- the keynote address and expressed her sional development with McKinsey,
that the world is one family. dress at the United Nations Peace Mil- deepest honor for hosting this event shared a first-hand account of one
Fittingly themed, The World is lennium Summit on August 29, 2000, on the centennial birthday of Pra- such instance from the 2017 Hurri-
One Family, the event at the United was brought to life through a video mukh Swami Maharaj. “In the truest cane Harvey disaster that struck Tex-
Nations aimed to honor his legacy on presentation. In this address, he ap- sense, Swamiji’s life is a message to all as. She poignantly remarked, “The
the special occasion of his centenni- pealed spiritual leaders worldwide to humanity, it is a message of oneness, signature mark of Pramukh Swami
al celebration in the presence of Her have meaningful dialogues with each a message of goodness, a message Maharaj’s relief efforts was this… his
Excellency Mrs. Ruchira Kamboj, the other to preserve our rich diversity, to of celebrating peace, harmony, and ability to share in the suffering and
Permanent Representative of India to not just tolerate but to respect all reli- brotherhood,” opined Her Excellency. to channel that empathy into a sense
the United Nations, members of the gions, and to expand the circle of unity Pramukh Swami Maharaj firm- of urgency to provide the swift action
Permanent Mission of India, Excel- to include everyone for true harmony. ly believed that the entire world, re- needed to save lives and then rebuild
lencies, Ambassadors and Represen- Following the presentation, a gardless of race, religion, or country, them over time…”
tatives of countries across the world, statement by His Excellency Mr. Mi- is one family. He did not simply pro- Reflecting on BAPS’ contribu-
and BAPS volunteers. guel Angel Moratinos, the United fess this belief but personified it with tions to the COVID-19 relief efforts
Dr. Kashyap Patel, a BAPS volun- Nations Under-Secretary-General his actions to uplift communities in inspired by the credo of Pramukh
teer and cardiologist at the Northside holding the post of High Representa- remarkable ways. During his lifetime, Swami Maharaj, ‘In the joy of others
Hospital Cardiovascular Institute in tive for the United Nations Alliance Pramukh Swami Maharaj responded lies our own’, Professor Sejal Saglani,
Atlanta inaugurated the program with of Civilizations, was shared with the to over 20 natural disasters in India a BAPS volunteer who is Professor
a welcome address, introducing Pra- assembly. Herein he echoed Pramukh and abroad, inspiring volunteers to Continued at next page... >>