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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 16, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 24

                             Nritya Darpan is a Unique

            Dance Festival to celebrate emerging

                contemporary and classical artists

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            periences. IMGE is a performance
                                                                                                              company  based  in  dance,  film,  and
        Brunswick, NJ
                                                                                                              music that uses cross-cultural vocab-
           ndian Heritage & Cultural Associ-                                                                  ularies to share global stories with
           ation-NJ a nonprofit organization                                                                  artists of diverse backgrounds and
        Ibased in New Jersey, USA has an-                                                                     their  work  is  influenced  by  Indian
        nounced a unique dance festival Nri-                                                                  to Western classical, folk, street, and
        tya Darpan, on December 10, 2022, at                                                                  contemporary movement vocabular-
        New Brunswick Performing Arts Cen-                                                                    ies used to navigate social, cultural,
        ter in New Brunswick, NJ, celebrating                                                                 and environmental constructs.
        emerging contemporary  and classi-                                                                        Dr. Krishnakali Dasgupta brings
        cal artists from the Indian diaspora.                                                                 to the stage more than 30 years of
                                                                                                              involved training, performing &
        This is IHCA-NJ’s first ever dance                                                                    choreography work in Classical Ma-

        festival where six multi-talent-                                                                      nipuri  and  will be presenting  ‘The
                                                                                                              Wild Swans’, a concise dramatization
        ed US based dance companies                                                                           of Hans Christian Anderson’s -The
        will be performing high quali-                                                                        Wild Swans. The story is an allegory
                                                                                                              on ostracization based on blind prej-
        ty dance dramas using various                                                                         udices and victory of determination

        Indian classical dance forms                                                                          to break that cycle.
                                                                                                                  Shila Mehta, a celebrated Kath-
        such as Kathak, Bharatnatyam,                                                                         ak exponent specializing in the
        Manipuri and Odissi along with                                                                        Lucknow gharana, known for her
                                                                                                              well-rounded command of the form,
        Western dance styles.                                                                                 the  performance will  include  emo-
                                                                                                              tive storytelling layered within Kath-
            The concept of Nritya Darpan                                                                      ak dance movements in their purest
        is developed by the Founder and the                                                                   form, will present the choreography
        President of IHCA-NJ, Dr. Ashok                                                                       of ‘Nimitta’ aims to give a voice to the
        Chaudhary, to promote exception-                                                                      issue of gender bias existing all over
        ally talented local artists and dance                                                                 the world. It is also to challenge the
        groups and to bring communities to-                                                                   section of the society that is preju-
        gether to discuss various social issues                                                               diced against gender preferences.
        through performing arts. The danc-                                                                        Bharathi Penneswaran is the
        ers and choreographers who are ex-                                                                    Artistic Director and Co-Founder of
        pert in any of Indian classical dance   were selected by very talented cura-  lightning.              Aalokam. A trained dancer, chore-
        forms and trying to sustain our rich   tors Maya Kulkarni-Chheda and Kar-  Sonali Skandan, a passionate   ographer, and teacher based in New
        heritage and culture in US by adopt-  en Greenspan by painstaking task of   dancer, choreographer  and  the  Ar-  York City will be presenting Aval
        ing various dance forms including   selecting the best entries among the   tistic Director of Jiva Dance will be   Kali. Kali represents the most un-
        western dance styles, have been cho-  large pool of entries across the USA.   presenting compelling works based   bridled form of nature and the fem-
        sen to participate at Nritya Darpan.   They also have Odissi soloist,   on Bharatanatyam titled ‘Elements’.   inine. As both mother and destroyer,
            Nritya Darpan, through a variety   Dr. Kaustavi Sarkar, an assistant pro-  Elements explores the concept of the   her very existence is beyond human
        of dance dramas, gives the opportuni-  fessor, accomplished Odissi dancer,   ‘Pancha  Maha  Bhoota’,  or  the  five   ideas of morality.
        ty for our intelligent audience to see   teacher and writer on Indian clas-  primordial elements, as the impact of   There is no limitation of dance
        spectacular dance dramas through   sical dances will present along with   climate change and human destruc-  styles, music or languages.  The per-
        amalgamation of many dance styles   her group ‘DanceNCommunity’ En-  tion shift the balance of nature.   forming groups can depict any dance
        where it showcases teamwork, talent   semble  two  items  Sama:  Equanim-  Ishita Mili Bengali American   drama in any form of dance styles
        and community spirit to make a posi-  ity and Equity Sama: Equality nur-  director and choreographer, trained   giving complete freedom to artists to
        tive contribution to our ever-evolving   tures Equanimity is a meditation on   extensively in Bharatanatyam, hip   explore their creativity.
        community to discuss various  social   spiritual humanism rallying against   hop,  street  styles,  and  chhau,  ven-  This will be a unique experience
        issues like women empowerment,    casteist injustice. In 2nd part, she   tured into creating and directing as   for the audience, they will get to see
        mental  health,  human  trafficking,   will be presenting a solo piece, ‘An   a holistic multidisciplinary artist. In   the amalgamation of high quality and
        LGBTQ+ etc.                       Impossible Romance’, a spectacular   2017, she founded IMGE to reimag-  diverse dance styles woven into a sto-
            This year six short dance dramas   love affair between the cloud and the   ine how movement connects our ex-  ry telling format.

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