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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                  DECEMBER 16, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 29

                            Correct Mindset can make

           your business from ZERO to HERO

                                 How to train your mind and to motivate yourself for big ACTIONS

                   HIRAV SHAH

              eople are afraid to take action
              and create a better future for
        Pthemselves because they are
        too worried about what others will
        think of them. Instead of learning
        how to really make a difference in
        their lives, they work hard as every-
        body does
            If hard work alone had helped
        to create success and wealth, every-  Learning how to change your mindset is essential for success. Positive thinking is associated with greater happiness, decreased
        one hardworking the 9 to five would                                   anxiety and improved physical health
        have been a millionaire by now.
        There is a specific reason why out of   What’s the difference? The differ-  making and implementing any the point is to make some
        330 million people in the US there   ence is adding more value in less   strategies or ideas.         small progress in everyday life to
        are only around 800 billionaires.     time.                         • So how to train your mind and   make your future comfortable
        The key to success is not working     Philosophy  determines   the    to motivate yourself for big AC-  whether it’s for mind or body or mar-
        hard. The key to success is to be able   quality of what you do. Skills will   TIONS?                 keting or sales or wherever you feel
        to work strategically SMART.      determine  how  you  execute.  And                                  it’s easy to make you uncomfortable.
            Let me ask you simple         Astro Strategy (combination of          Let me give you my          • For many years, I have spent 60
                   questions              MINDSET, STRATEGIES, EXE-                                             minutes a day learning new things.
        • Could a person make twice as    CUTION AND LUCK) which can            Every six months I set a new    I like to remain a student.
          much money in the same amount   give you certainty with quality and   and very challenging goal for my-  • Everyone should live with the “cul-
          of time?                        skills in business and that’s why now   self. Latest goal was - my waist was   ture of Progress”.
        • Could a person make five times as   SMART entrepreneurs started us-  38” and my weight was 105 kgs.   • You should not compare yourself
          much money in the same amount   ing ASTRO STRATEGY™ to maxi-      My height is 6’1” so I set a goal to   with others. Try to compare you
          of time?                        mize PROFIT for their business.   achieve 34/35 waist and 86 kgs of   with you.
        • Could you make 10 times as much     Now let’s understand what     weight ....and surprisingly I achieved   • Try to make your present better
          money?                          Mindset is and why it is important   it in just 5 months so it motivates me   than yesterday...and for me that’s a
        • Could you make 100 times more   for business growth.              a  lot  to  work  harder  every  day.  It   culture of progress.
          money in the same amount of                                       was a very uncomfortable and pain-  • No one can do magic in one day.
          time? Is that possible?”               What is Mindset?           ful activity as I was not used to exer-  We need to be very consistent to
            And the answer is yes, if you be-  Learning  how to  change  your   cise or to eat properly. But I started   make a culture of progress.
        come more valuable.               mindset is essential for success.   with small baby steps to start with   • My slogan is: “Take Uncomfort-
            Someone working in a restau-  Positive thinking is associated with   10  minutes  a  day  exercise  with  16   able Actions to make your future
        rant making $12 an hour is roughly   greater happiness, decreased anx-  hours intermittent fasting and now   Comfortable”.
        $20000 yearly, someone is making   iety and improved physical health.   if I see myself in a better shape … I
        $60k in  a Pharma company and     All of which can help you on the   get huge confidence.                The writer is a well-known Astro
        someone hedge fund guy or invest-  journey to achieve your goals.       You tell me, who doesn’t like to   Strategist and Business Astrologer
        ment banker making $3 billion.    • Mindset is very important for   remain  in  shape?  Everyone  ...cor-  Email: [email protected]

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