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BUSINESS EYE                                                       DECEMBER 10, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 40

                               indian techies in Silicon

           valley and the importance of being

                                            Parag agraWal

                  Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently gave a shout out to Indian talent after Parag Agrawal

                                              replaced Jack Dorsey as Twitter’s new CEO

        OuR BuREAu
        San Jose, CA

              witter’s new CEO Parag
             Agrawal hopes to extend the
        Tsocial networking site’s reach
        under his tenure while making con-
        tinued progress while providing ex-
        citing opportunities in challenging
           “I’m grateful for the service that
        you built, the culture, soul, and pur-
        pose you fostered among us and for
        leading the company through really
        significant  challenges,”  Parag  post-
        ed on Twitter thanking Jack Dorsey.
        “The world is watching us right now,
        even more than they have before.
        Lots of people are going to have lots
        of different views about today’s news.
        It is because they care about Twitter
        and our future, and it’s a signal that
        the work we do matte. Let’s show the
        world Twitter’s full potential,” he fur-
        ther added.                                          Parag Agrawal                                       Jack Dorsey
            Parag expressed his gratitude to-
        wards Jack Dorsey for his mentorship
        and friendship.                   bled in artificial intelligence.  Indian-origin techies.                With this, Twitter is the new ad-
           “The world is watching us right    Earlier, Dorsey announced that    The 37-year-old computer sci-  dition to the tech giants to be led by
        now, even more than they have be-  he was resigning as CEO of Twitter   entist with a PhD from Stanford will   an Indian.
        fore. Lots of People are going to have   and that Agrawal was replacing him.  take over the CEO of the microblog-  Meanwhile, Tesla CEO Elon
        lots of different views and opinions   “Parag has been behind every   ging site immediately, following Jack   Musk recently gave a shout out to
        about today’s news. It is because they   critical decision that helped turn   Dorsey’s surprise resignation. Agraw-  Indian talent after Parag Agrawal re-
        care about Twitter and future, and it’s   this company around. He’s curious,  al has joined the likes of Google CEO   placed Jack Dorsey as Twitter’s new
        a signal that the wire we do here ma-  probing, rational, creative, demand-  Sundar Pichai, Microsoft CEO Satya   CEO.
        ter. Let’s show the world Twitter’s full   ing, self-aware and humble,” Dorsey   Nadella and IBM CEO Arvind Krish-  Musk replied to a tweet by Stripe
        potential,” he further started.   posted on his Twitter account.    na, who all are at the helm of global   CEO Patrick Collison, who congrat-
            Parag, aged 37, is an alumnus of   Earlier, Twitter was created by   tech.                        ulated Parag and highlighted that six
        the Indian Institute of Technology   Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone,   There are several other Indians   US tech giants are now run by Indi-
        Mumbai where he did his Bachelors in   and Evan Williams in March 2006   at  top  of  global  firms.  Rajeev  Suri   an-origin CEOs. “Google, Microsoft,
        Engineering in computer science. He   and launched in July of that year   was elevated to President and CEO   Adobe, IBM, Palo Alto Networks,
        moved to the US for further studies,  which went on to become one of the   of Nokia in April 2014 after Micro-  and  now  Twitter  are  run  by  CEOs
        with his doctorate coming from Stan-  accompanied technology entrepre-  soft acquired the company.    who grew up in India. It is wonder-
        ford University based in California.  neurs. Dorsey will stay on the board   While Shantanu Narayen has   ful to watch the amazing success of
            Further, Parag joined Twitter in   of the San Francisco-based company   been heading Adobe as CEO since   Indians in the technology world; it is
        2011. Before that, he briefly worked   until his term expires in 2022.   2007, SanDisk was co-founded by   a good reminder of the opportunity
        at Microsoft, AT&T and Yahoo. In      The elevation of Parag Agrawal   Indian-American businessman San-  America offers to immigrants. (Con-
        all three companies, his work was   as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of   jay Mehrotra. Nikesh Arora, the ex-  grats, @paraga!),” Collison wrote.
        mostly research-oriented. Initially,  Twitter has once again highlighted   CEO  of  investment  firm  Softbank   Musk responded  to  Collison’s
        at Twitter, he worked on ad-related   the fact that many prominent global   now  heads  security  firm  Palo  Alto   post by saying, “USA benefits greatly
        products,  but gradually  he also dab-  technology companies are headed by   Networks as its chairman and CEO.  from Indian talent!”

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