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BUSINESS EYE                                                       DECEMBER 10, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 42

                                                              Tech T@lk

             Uber, Whatsapp launching                                                        twitter update:

                ride-booking feature via                                       People can’t share photos of

                     the messaging app                                               others without consent

              ou can now book an Uber ride   in WhatsApp. Once there, users can      ith Parag Agrawal becom-  people’s private info is also prohibit-
              via WhatsApp in India. Uber   start booking cabs and get pick or       ing the new CEO of Twit-  ed under the policy, as is threatening
        Yhas partnered with Meta, for-    drop locations, cab fare details, and   Wter, the company seems  or incentivizing others to do so,” the
        merly known as Facebook, to launch   more on the chat itself.       to be making new policy changes.  post read. This policy update will
        a ride-booking feature via WhatsApp   Talking about the partnership,   According  to  TechCrunch,  Twitter  “help curb the misuse of media to ha-
        in India. This is a global-first feature   Nandini Maheshwari, Senior Director,   has updated its private information  rass, intimidate, and reveal the iden-
        for the popular ride-booking app and   Business  Development,  Uber  APAC   safety policy to ban sharing images  tities of private individuals, which
        will dismiss the need for a standalone   said, “We want to make it as easy as   or videos of private individuals with-  disproportionately impacts women,
        Uber app on your phone to book a   possible for all Indians to take an Uber   out  their  consent.  The  update  was  activists, dissidents, and members of
        cab. It will let users register on Uber,   trip, and to do that we need to meet   announced  on  the  official  account  minority communities.”
        book a cab, and even get the trip re-  them on platforms they are comfort-  of Twitter Safety. “Sharing images   Twitter  clarified  that  it  may  re-
        ceipt on WhatsApp itself, reported   able with. We are thrilled at this glob-  is an important part of folks’ experi-  move content intended for harass-
        Beebom. Booking a cab via the pop-  al-first integration for Uber, and look   ence on Twitter. People should have  ment in line with its existing policies
        ular messaging application will be   forward to rolling it out across India.”  a choice in determining whether or  against abusive behaviour, which also
        pretty  easy  and can  be achieved  in   As per Beebom, Uber on     not a photo is shared publicly. To  ban sharing non-consensual nude
        three different ways. Users can send a   WhatsApp will also get the same fea-  that end we are expanding the scope   images. The company also said that
        message to the Uber Business phone   tures as available on the Uber app. Us-  of our Private Information Policy.  when deciding whether to remove
        number (which hasn’t been disclosed   ers can see the driver’s name and more   Beginning today, we will not allow  content  about  public  figures,  it  will
        in  the  official  blog  post,  for  some   details on the chat, track the driver’s   the sharing of private media, such as   assess whether this information is
        reason), scan a QR code, or visit a   location, and can even speak to them   images or videos of private individu-  already available in other public me-
        link  to open  the Uber chat window   without revealing the phone number.   als without their consent. Publishing  dia, like TV and newspapers.

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