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IMMIGRATION                                                        DECEMBER 10, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 39


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        for USCIS to expand the list of   solved. It should not be taking   already an underlying status,   noncitizen.  Even  under  these   extension is denied prior to the
        categories eligible to  receive   upwards of 6 months to process   the USCIS has authority under   general  provisions  there  is  no   240 days.  The spouse should
        automatic EAD extensions to   such status extension requests   the INA to craft a whole new   requirement that there must   also be able to avail of a similar
        include  this  narrowly  defined   when  the  biometric require-  regulation that does not depend   be  an underlying  nonimmi-  period of 240 days of automat-
        category of E, L, and H-4 depen-  ment has been done away with.   on automatic extension only if   grant status in order to avail of   ic work authorization even if
        dent spouses to mitigate the risk   The  Edakunni  v.  Mayorkas   there is an underlying L-2, H-4   automatic work authorization   the underlying H-4, L-2 or E-2
                                                                                          extension. Even if INA 214(c)
                                                                                                                     status has expired so long as the
        of experiencing gaps in employ-  lawsuit seeks to force USCIS  274a.13(d)(1)(iii) can poten-Simply go to your App Store or Play Store
                                                              or E-2 status.
        ment authorization and docu-  to speed up processing times.      Furthermore,  8  CFR  (2)(E) and INA 214(e)(2) can   request was made before the
        mentation while their renewal   USCIS can include courtesy                        be read to mean that a spouse   status had expired.  If the un-
        Form I-765 is pending, in light of   premium processing of H-4, L-2   tially be challenged as being   is precluded from availing of an   derlying request for extension
        their continued employment el-  and E-2 status request  applica-  inconsistent with INA 214(c)  auto extension once the status   of status is denied prior to the
        igibility past the expiration date   tions that  are part of a request   (2)(E) and INA 214(e)(2) that   has expired, 8 CFR 274a.13(d)  240  days,  the  automatic  work
        of their EAD.              for premium processing of the   provide work authorization in-  (1)(iii) might still be inconsis-  authorization will be denied.
                                                                                                                        While the new H-4, L-2
                                                                                          tent with the general authority
                                                              cident to status to L-2 and E-2
            The USCIS believes that   principal spouse’s H-1B, L-1 or  in these INA provisions that a From SmartTV  Download ZingoTV App
        this change in interpretation   E petition. Also do not forget   spouses. Nowhere does it  state   to provide work authorization   and E-2 work authorization
        is permissible under 8 CFR   that Congress in HR 8837 has                         under INA 274A(h)(3).      policy of November 12, 2021 is
        274a.13(d)(1)(iii) that speaks   authorized premium process-  spouse who has been admitted   Under its authority under   a step in the right direction, it
        broadly of “class” and “catego-  ing of many more petitions and   in L-2 or E-2 status  must re-  INA 274A(h)(3),  DHS may   should  not become the perma-
        ry.” As these terms are unde-  applications, including applica-  main in status in order to avail   wish to promulgate a regulation   nent policy of the USCIS as it is
        fined and thus ambiguous, un-  tions to change or extend status   of an automatic extension of   similar to 8 CFR 274a.12(b)(20)   far from perfect.
        der the broad deference courts   as well as applications for em-  status. Although  there is  not Login|Register with your eMail then
                                                              work authorization when ap-
                                                                                                                        As long as the USCIS de-
                                                                                          that provides for an automatic
        have granted to a government   ployment authorization.  plying for an extension of that   extension of work authorization   lays in the processing of routine
        agency to interpret its own am-  More  important,  the  US-                       for 240 days when a petition   requests for extension of status
        biguous regulation, see Auer v.   CIS need not be cabined by the   direct INA reference for H-4   to extend nonimmigrant status   and work authorization con-
        Robbins, 519 US 452 (1997) as   restrictive language in 8 CFR   authorization incident to sta-  has been timely filed on behalf   tinue to persist, the regulations
        modified by Kisor v. Wilke, 588   274a.13(d)(1)(iii) which pro-  tus, the H-4 EAD rule is based   of a nonimmigrant through the   need to be changed in order to
        US ___ (2019), USCIS believes   vides for automatic extension   on the general authority given   same employer prior to the sta-  allow spouses to continue work-
                                                                                          tus expiring. The 240 day auto-
        it has the discretion to interpret   where the EAD renewal appli-  to the DHS under INA 103(1)  Start Watching IndiaLife TV  24 Hours LIVE
                                                                                                                     ing regardless of whether there
        these terms and tailor desig-  cation is “[b]ased on a class of   and 274A(h)(3)  that allows it to   matic extension will be denied   is an underlying nonimmigrant
        nated categories to emerging   aliens whose eligibility to apply   grant work authorization to any   if the petition requesting the   status or not.
        circumstances and to fulfill the   for employment authorization   _____________________________________________________________________________________________
        primary purpose of the EAD   continues notwithstanding ex-  Cyrus D. Mehta, a graduate of Cambridge University and Columbia Law School, is the Managing Partner of
        auto-extension.            piration of the Employment   Cyrus D. Mehta & Partners PLLC in New York City. Mr. Mehta is a member of AILA’s Administrative Litigation
            While one agrees that US-  Authorization Document and   Task Force; AILA’s EB-5 Committee; former chair of AILA’s Ethics Committee; special counsel on immi-
        CIS does have discretion to rein-  is based on an employment au-  gration matters to the Departmental Disciplinary Committee, Appellate Division, First Department, New York;
                                                    You can click
        terpret 8 CFR 274a.13(d)(1(iii)   thorization category that does   member of the ABA Commission on Immigration; board member of Volunteers for Legal Services and board
        to include auto extensions for   not require adjudication of an   member of New York Immigration Coalition.  Mr. Mehta is the former chair of the Board of Trustees of the Amer-
        H-4, L-2 and E-2 spouses, this   underlying application or peti-  ican Immigration Council and former chair of the Committee on Immigration and Nationality Law of the New
        is not the most satisfactory out-  tion before  adjudication of the   York City Bar Association. He is a frequent speaker and writer on various immigration-related issues, including
        come and should be challenging   renewal application.” While the   on ethics, and is also an adjunct professor of law at Brooklyn Law School, where he teaches a course entitled
                                                              Immigration and Work.  Mr. Mehta received the AILA 2018 Edith Lowenstein Memorial Award for advancing
        the USCIS to do more.      USCIS  has  threaded  the  diffi-  the practice of immigration law and the AILA 2011 Michael Maggio Memorial Award for his outstanding efforts
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            For starters, if the USCIS   cult needle in its November 12,   in providing pro bono representation in the immigration field. He has also received two AILA Presidential Com-
        processes extension requests of   2021 policy by justifying that 8   mendations in 2010 and 2016.  Mr. Mehta is ranked among the most highly regarded lawyers in North America
        H-4, L-2 and E-2 statuses more   CFR  274a.13(d)(1)(iii) is nev-  by Who’s Who Legal – Corporate Immigration Law 2019 and is also ranked in Chambers USA and Chambers
        rapidly, this problem will be re-  ertheless  applicable  if  there  is   Global 2019 in immigration law, among other rankings.
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