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FUTURE this wEEk                                                   DECEMBER 10, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 36

          NumeROlOGy Prediction                                                                                   dec 3 to dec 9, 2021

                                                                                     NumBeR 5 (MercUrY)
                                By Business Astrologer &                             (Those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month)
                                Astro strAtegist                                     You will create a vision for your customer experience. Crafting a detailed
                                HirAv sHAH                                           vision of what you want your customer experience to look like is crucial for
                                                                                     effective leadership. Yes, there will be back to back business conventions

                                Hirav  Shah  is  a  PIONEER  in  introducing  ASTRO   this week. So be prepared for that.
                                                                                     Incorporate yoga and stay fit, fitness shall also inspire your team members
                                STRATEGY for Business revolution to increase certainty in   to keep healthy. All the best.
                                business success. He is the top influencer and advisor in the   •  Avoid wearing Brown
                                fields of Real Estate, Sports, Hollywood, Bollywood, Tourism,   •  Lucky Days : Saturday
                                Corporate Business, Politics & more. He combines Business
                                Principles with Astrology and brings strategic solutions to the   •  Lucky Color : Green
                                table while maintaining absolute confidentiality. Hirav has
                                an astounding Global presence with his clients based across
                                various business sectors.                            NumBeR 6 (VenUS)
                                [email protected]  |        (Those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month)

                                                                                     This week you will ensure your business management is focused.
                                                                                     When your management is aligned and focused, based on a solid yet versa-
                 NumBeR 1 (SUn)                                                      tile and adjustable foundation, your business will be positioned to identify
                 (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month)           and secure opportunities. Be ready for frequent business trips.
                                                                                     Healthwise, everything will be fine. Just don’t take excessive stress.
                 As entrepreneurs, you will continue to embrace the growing online space.   •  Avoid wearing Dark Blue
                 You will find more and more opportunities to attract your ideal client. You   •  Lucky Days : Monday
                 will generate leads, find the right employees and even potential investors to   •  Lucky Color : Light Green
                 become available to you if you are positioning, packaging and promoting
                 your brand using the right channels and content that speaks to the unique
                 problem that you solve. Start incorporating yoga in your routine, this will   NumBeR 7 (nePtUne)
                 really keep you fit and healthy.
                 •  Avoid wearing Black                                                (Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month)
                 •  Lucky Days : Tuesday                                               You will get that clarity on yourself and you will have a better understand-
                 •  Lucky Color : Orange                                               ing of your unique value. You will get very granular and specific with who
                                                                                       needs your product or service and more importantly, where they live on-
                                                                                       line. Legal complications might occur but it will be resolved soon.
                 NumBeR 2 (Moon)                                                       Reduce intake of fructose and refined sugar. Stay away from junk food.

                 (Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month)             Here’s wishing you a healthy gut health.
                                                                                       •  Avoid wearing Dark Shades
                 You will build a reliable and competent team. Considering sales are the life-  •  Lucky Days : Wednesday
                 blood of every business, it is recommended to hire candidates who can fa-  •  Lucky Color : Pale Blue
                 cilitate revenue by either increasing sales or making the sales process more
                 efficient. Continuously educate yourself while being an entrepreneur.
                 Healthwise things will be alright. Just don’t over stress.            NumBeR 8 (SAtUrn)
                 •  Avoid wearing Maroon
                 •  Lucky Days : Saturday                                              (Those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month)
                 •  Lucky Color : Gray                                                 this week as well. Focus is all you need to do. Start mapping out next year’s
                                                                                       business growth prospects, now. Business wise this week shall be a prof-
                 NumBeR 3 (JUPiter)                                                    itable week.
                                                                                       To do away with gut disorders, please do away with anything that is deep
                 (Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month)             fried. Please avoid refined food items as much as possible.
                 Because your thoughts dictate what your life looks like, they are instrumen-  • Avoid wearing Red
                 tal in building a successful business. Mindset is particularly important for   • Lucky Days : Thursday
                 entrepreneurs because you are often working alone and charting new paths,   • Lucky Color : Golden
                 so how you think about things is one of the main drivers of your business.
                 This week will make you realize that mindset is everything. Walk at least 45   NumBeR 9 (MArS)
                 minutes a day. This will do and will keep you fit and healthy.
                 •  Avoid wearing Rose                                                 (Those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month)
                 •  Lucky Days : Friday                                                Instead of stressing over the people you can’t please, turn to those who
                 •  Lucky Color : Indigo                                               are ready to root for you. Never take these individuals for granted be-
                                                                                       cause they are crucial to help you reach your business goals.This week
                                                                                       shall turn out to be a profitable week for you.
                 NumBeR 4 (UrAnUS)                                                     Keep yourself healthy by having plenty of fruits and vegetables and less an-

                 (Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month)             imal products. If you are healthy, you can triumph over your business too.
                                                                                       • Avoid wearing Red
                 You will have a better mindset. Processes and systems are important to fol-  • Lucky Days : Monday
                 low consistently so that things don’t fall between the cracks and there is   • Lucky Color : Light Yellow
                 transparency and accountability across the board. Remember, you as the
                 founder will set the tone. If you are transparent and accountable in your
                 work, your employees will model their behavior after you.                  CeleBRITIeS Of The week :
                 Avoid junk food and soft drinks. Stay healthy.
                 •  Avoid wearing Black                                       December 3– mithali Raj         December 6– Jasprit Bumrah
                 •  Lucky Days : Sunday                                       December 4–  Jaaved Jaaferi     December 8– Dharmendra
                 •  Lucky Color : Orange                                      December 5–  Ravish kumar       December 9– Sonia Gandhi

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