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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 26, 2021 | The Indian Eye 30
the kerala center concludes 29th annual awards
banquet with a big show of community spirit
New York, NY
ew York Kerala Center’s 29th
Annual Awards Banquet was
nheld at the Center’s audito-
rium in Elmont, NY on Saturday,
November 13th, 2021. The Center
honored six outstanding achievers in
different categories and two doctors
with special awards for their services
during the pandemic.
The honorees were: Dr. George
M. Abraham, the President of the
American College of Physicians,
for outstanding achievements in
Medicine and Professional Services,
Dr. Devi Nampiaparampil, who is a
practicing physician, media person-
ality and was the Republican nom- ACP President Dr. George Abraham receiving award from Indian Consul A.K. Vijayakrishnan. From l. to r. Kimmy John, Dr. Thomas Abraham, James
inee for NYC Public Advocate, for Thottam, Dr. Madhu Bhaskaran, Consul Vijayakrishnan, Dr. Susan George, Dr. George Abraham, Alex Esthappan, Thambi Thalappillil and John Paul
notable contributions in Public Ser-
vice, Mayor Robin J. Elackatt, May-
or of City of Missouri City, Texas,
for notable achievements in political
leadership, Chandrika Kurup, the
director of Noopura Indian Classical
Dance School, for contributions and
achievements in Performing Arts,
Mary Philip, who was a Lieutenant
in the Indian Defense Force and a
past President of the Indian Nurses
Association of New York, for no-
table contributions in Nursing and
Community Service, and Nandini P.
Nair, Esq, who is a partner and co-
chair of the Immigration and Natu-
ralization practice group and serves
on the Management Committee at
Greenspoon Marder LLP, for nota-
ble services and achievements in Le-
gal Services. Dr. Sabu Varghese and
Dr. Blessy Mary Joseph, practicing Missouri City Mayor Robin Elackatt Receiving award from NY State Senator Kevin Thomas. From l. to r.: James Thomas, Jimmy John, James
physicians in New York, were hon- Thottam, Dr. Madhu Bhaskaran, NY Senator Thomas, Mayor Elackatt, Alex Esthappan, John Paul and Dr. Thomas Abraham
ored with Special Award for notable
services during the Pandemic in 2020
and 2021. society, it makes him happy. Their pening. An organization gets much through during the Covid-19 pan-
The program commenced with activities make relations between more strength when it becomes a demic, which resulted in her deter-
the American and Indian Nation- America and India stronger. The melting pot of people and ideas, mination to get involved in public
al anthems sung by Bailey Stephen chief guest was introduced by Dr. he concluded. Dr. George Abra- service. She thanked the Malayali
and Lauren Joseph. President Alex Madhu Bhaskaran, the chairman of ham was introduced by Dr. Thomas community for their tremendous
K. Esthappan welcomed everybody the Award Committee and Board of Abraham, Chairman of the Trustee support during her campaign for
after a brief introduction of the ac- Directors. Board and Award Committee mem- Public Advocate. Dr. Devi was in-
tivities and goals of the Kerala Cen- Dr. George Abraham, who was ber and Consul A.K. Vijayakrishnan troduced by Raju Thomas, Kerala
ter. Indian Consul for Community also an awardee, was the keynote presented the award. Dr. Thomas Center Board Member and Attorney
Affairs, A. K. Vijayakrishnan, was speaker. In his keynote speech, Dr. Abraham also explained the process Appen Menon presented the award.
the chief guest of the function. In his Abraham implored that we should of selecting the awardees. The award for political leader-
speech, Mr. Vijayakrishnan said that strive to move forward by including The award for Public Service ship went to Robin Elackatt, Mayor
when the individuals of the commu- everyone and treating everybody went to Dr. Devi Nampiaparampil. of City of Missouri City in Texas. He
nity achieve excellence in their fields equally, and it is the duty of the She reflected in her speech the dif- opinioned in his speech that when
and do well for the community and leaders to make sure that this is hap- ficulties she and her family went Continued at next page... >>