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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 26, 2021 | The Indian Eye 29
dr. suresh reddy assumes charge as President of iama, illinois
Dr. Reddy has been involved in the COVID Pandemic. He, along with his Chiefs of Radiology for the states of cians, fellows, residents, and medical
highly specialized techniques and art team created the “AAPI Endowment Illinois and Wisconsin Veterans Ad- students of Indian origin who are
of treating aneurysms and strokes Fund,” raising and donating $300,000 ministration, and has participated in committed to professional excellence
in the complex part of our body, the with a goal of enabling his successors innumerable community events. He and quality patient care. IAMA-IL
Brain. He is also extensively trained to be less burdened with fundraising has organized Independence Day offers many opportunities for your
to perform complex procedures in the and more focused on AAPI’s mission celebrations and has worked with the organization to begin and grow a
most inaccessible regions of the spine. of Education, Mentoring, Research, IAMA team over the years to support connection with our members and
Collaborating with the Indian Charity, and Service. numerous activities. He also orga- the communities we serve. We like to
Embassy in DC, under his leader- Dr. Reddy currently resides in the nized numerous walkathons to honor partner with organizations and people
ship, more than 1000 prescriptions Chicago area with his wife Leela and our Veterans. that strive for similar goals including a
were written for Indian visitors who son Rohun. He is currently a Trustee IAMA-IL is a non-profit orga- commitment to excellence, education,
were stranded in the USA due to of the Village of Oak Brook, Lead of nization comprised of Illinois physi- research and serving the community.