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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 26, 2021 | The Indian Eye 26
ricky Gill running for us house seat
in california’s 10th congressional district
During the Trump presidency, Gill had guided the real estate process regarding the relocation of
the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
Modesto, CA
icky Gill, who served on the
White House’s National Se-
rcurity Council during the
Trump administration, is running for
a US House seat in Modesto area
in California’s 10th Congressional
District. The son of immigrant phy-
sicians and farmers from India, Gill
is a native of the Central Valley, who
has also served in the US State De-
partment and on the California State
Board of Education.
“i’m running for congress be-
cause i believe america is on
the wrong track and the people
of our central Valley communi-
ty are being neglected by this
(biden) administration and its
ineffectual policies,” he said
announcing his run Nov. 12.
“Higher taxes, creeping inflation,
and increasing food and energy costs
are crushing local families and small Ricky Gill
businesses, discouraging our entre-
preneurial spirit,” said Gill who has of the National Republican Congres- just to serve, but to lead in Congress,” Eva B. Buck Scholarship, Ricky grad-
extensive background in local real es- sional Committee Pete Sessions. said Sessions calling him “a genera- uated Phi Beta Kappa with honors
tate. “During his time as a director at tional leader who would elevate the from Princeton University. He sub-
Biden “administration’s failures the National Security Council (in the Central Valley’s issues to the fore- sequently earned a law degree from
to address the border crisis and rising European and Russian Affairs Direc- front in Washington. “ the University of California, Berke-
crime are eroding public safety, and torate), Ricky served with distinction. “Ricky’s experience shows he will ley, according to his official profile.
reckless overspending is damaging His leadership embodied the spirit champion fiscal responsibility, stand In 2004, Ricky Gill was se-
public trust,” he said. “Educational of our America First foreign policy,” up to China and fight to preserve lected by then Governor Arnold
choice is being limited in unprece- O’Brien said in a statement. America’s energy independence and Schwarzenegger to serve as the sole
dented ways, as parents are being “Whether it was his work to pre- national security.” student member of the California
marginalized in their own children’s vent the completion of Russia’s Nord Appointed by then President State Board of Education.
education.” Stream 2 pipeline or counter Chinese Donald Trump to the US Depart- In his private sector career, Gill
“And the high cost of this admin- Communist Party influence in Eu- ment of State’s Bureau of Overseas has focused on operating and devel-
istration’s dangerous foreign policy is rope, Ricky’s efforts furthered US Buildings Operations (OBO), Gill oping real property, including a top-
hitting hard right here at home. We national interests and helped to make guided the real estate process regard- 100 RV resort and retail centers for
need to change course – and quickly Americans safer and more prosper- ing the relocation of the US Embassy some of the most recognizable global
– with fresh, bold representation and ous at home.” in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. brands.
new leadership,” Gill said. “I have no doubt that he would In 2012, Gill won the Republican Gill’s “family has been farming in
Gill’s candidature has been en- bring the same commitment and re- nomination for Congressional District the Central Valley for four decades,
dorsed by former National Security solve in representing the people of 9 and was a featured speaker at the and he will always be a loyal friend
Adviser Robert O’Brien and Texas this district,” O’Brien added. 2012 Republican National Conven- of California’s agricultural communi-
Congressman and former chairman “Ricky Gill has what it takes not tion. A recipient of the Frank H. and ties,” according to his website.