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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            NOVEMBER 26, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 32

        he came from the red state of Tex-
        as to the blue state of New York, he
        realized that many things he heard
        was just a story created by CNN. He
        added that Kerala Center’s award
        was the first recognition he got after
        becoming the mayor, whereas, prior
        to this event, he was receiving only
        blames. The Mayor was introduced
        by James Thomas, one of the youth
        representatives of the Kerala Center
        and Senator Kevin Thomas, the first
        Malayalee senator of New York, pre-
        sented the award.
            The award for legal services
        went to Nandini Nair, Esq.  In her
        speech, she said that her parents, es-
        pecially her mother who came alone
        to the United States with only $7 in
        her pocket to provide a better life
        for her family, is her guide and role
        model. She feels grateful that she is   Kerala Center officials and Consul Vijayakrishnan with awardees. Front row, from l. to r.: Dr. George Abraham, Dr. Sabu Varghese, Dr. Blessy
        able to help so many new comers as
        an immigration attorney today. Nan-  Joseph, Dr. Devi Nampiaparampil, Dancer and Teacher Chandrika Kurup, Nandini Nair Esq., Mary Philip and Mayor Robin Elackatt. Back row,
        dini Nair was introduced by Dr. The-  from l. to r.: Dr. Thomas Abraham, Dr. Madhu Bhaskaran, Jimmy John, Alex Esthappan, G. Mathai, Consul A.K. Vijayakrishnan, John Paul, James
        resa  Antony,  Kerala  Center  board                            Thottam, Raju Thomas, Abraham Thomas and P.T. Paulose.
        member and Dr. Asha Ramesh of
        Sabinsa Corp. presented the award.
            The award for Nursing and
        Community leadership went to Mary
        Philip. In her speech she stated that
        Kerala Center’s activities are unique
        in nature and separates it from other
        organizations. She specifically men-
        tioned the recognition of Nurses and
        other  front-line  workers  and  orga-
        nizing flag hoisting by retired Indian
        Defense Force members on Indian
        Independence Day celebration as
        examples.  Mary  Philip was intro-
        duced by Christy John, NP and Dr.
        Unni Moopan, Kerala Center Trust-
        ee, presented the award.
            The award for performing Arts
        went to Chandrika Kurup. In her
        speech, Mrs. Kurup expressed a
        lot of satisfaction that her students
        are now running their own success-                         Dancers from Noopura School of Dance performing at the Awards Night
        ful dance schools and other related
        artist works here in America and in   tor for more than six months, it was   a Souvenir was released by the com-  dran and Lauren Joseph and dance
        Kerala. Chandrika was introduced   heart breaking. When Dr. Blessy   mittee chairman P.T. Paulose along   by artists of the Noopura School of
        by Annie Esthappan, one of the    spoke about her experience treating   with other committee members,   Dance made the awards night a more
        youth representatives of the Kerala   Covid patients, she could not control   John Paul and Abraham Thomas. by   colorful one. Secretary Jimmy John
        Center and former student of Mrs.   her emotions. Jose Kadapuram, Di-  giving a copy of the Souvenir to Dr.   concluded the ceremony with a vote
        Kurup, and Abraham Philip, CPA,   rector of Kairali TV, USA, present-  Susan George, spouse of the keynote   of thanks to the guests, awardees,
        presented the award.              ed the award to Dr. Sabu and G.   speaker Dr. George Abraham.       audience and everyone worked so
            The Center also honored two   Mathai,  trustee of Kerala  Center,   In the absence of Founder Pres-  hard  to  make it  a  successful  event.
        doctors. Dr. Sabu Varghese and Dr.   presented the award to Dr. Blessy   ident Mr. E. M. Stephen, who was in   With dinner, the Award Night came
        Blessy Mary Joseph, with special   Joseph. Their service to New York-  charge of the Center for the last thir-  to an end.
        awards for their services during the   ers including Malayalees during the   ty years, Executive Director Thambi   The Kerala Center, located at
        pandemic. They were introduced    height of the pandemic is unforget-  Thalappillil and Director Abraham   Elmont (Long Island, New York), is
        by Benzy Thomas, DNP, whose de-   table.                            Thomas took charge of the event.   an IRS Tax-Exempt 501 (c) (3) or-
        scription of her experience treating   Each of the awardees was also   James Thottam was the chairman   ganization serving the Keralites and
        Covid-19 patients were so touching   presented a citation from New York   of  the  Award  Dinner.  The  MC  of   the Indian American community in
        to the audience. When Dr. Sabu ex-  State Senate and was presented   the program, Daisy Palliparambil,   the tri-state New York area. It was
        plained his experience with a covid   by New York State Senator Kevin   impressed everybody with her out-  inaugurated in 1993. Kerala Cen-
        patient who was a doctor and his   Thomas.                          standing performance. The songs   ter’s awards are the most prestigious
        colleague who had to be on ventila-   As part of the Award Ceremony,   sung by famous singer Shalini Rajen-  among Indian American Malayalees.

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