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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                               NOVEMBER 20, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          28

         from us to india, inmarG partners with Global entrepreneurs

                     network to organize Global entrepreneurs week 2020

        Our Bureau                                                               leaders, mothers, and entrepre- preneurship.
                                                                                 neurs in South Florida. They will       What is THE POWER OF
        New York
                                                                                 enlighten us on TELEMEDI- VIRTUAL REALITY? How
            nMARG partners with Glob-                                            CINE, HEALTHCARE AND  to CREATE IMMERSIVE
            al Entrepreneurs  Network                                            COMMUNITY PROGRAMS  SPACE was the focus of our
        Iorganized Global Entrepre-                                              DURING PANDEMIC - on the  panel discussion with XRLABS
        neurs Week 2020 webinars to in-                                          physical and  mental  healthcare  from South Florida on Novem-
        spire people everywhere through                                          aspects dealing with the covid-19  ber 19th. We discovered how
        local, national, and global activ-                                       pandemic that has gripped the  the pandemic has altered the
        ities designed to help them take                                         world and how they have adjust- technology’s growth in innova-
        the next step in their entrepre-                                         ed to the new norm which the  tion and communication. CEO
        neurial journeys. “We connect                                             current situation demands.          and Founder- Paul Bronstein,
        participants to potential collabo-                                           On November 18th Avi  Co-Founder  and  CFO  -  Luis
        rators, mentors, and even inves- hybrid classes on digital mar- Dwivedi, CEO & FOUNDER  Naranjo, Co-Founder and COO
        tors – introducing them to new  keting, he discussed how he is  OF XRDI (Extended Reality  Scarlett  Arana,  and  Global  De-
        possibilities and exciting oppor- impacted negatively since all his  Developers of  India) from Kol- velopment Director -Rita Mittal
        tunities in global entrepreneur- classes are now held on digital  kata, India demystified concepts  discussed the opportunities and
        ship. Participate in our expert  platform and it is rough mak- on Artificial Intelligence, Mixed  need for VR/XR/AR/3D in re-
        skills workshops and discussions  ing it work during the pandem- Reality, and their applications  tail businesses, what apparatus
        with entrepreneurs from Florida,  ic. Paul Bronstein, Founder and  in our lives. Explained how neu- and software were  required to
        New York, Italy, and India,” said  CEO of XR-LABS/ Head of XR  rologist are mapping the brain  create your virtual space - in an
        the group in a statement.            Development  at  Virspaces VR,  for decades and what is Electri- immersive world XR is evolving,
            InMARG         Entrepreneurs 3D & 360 videography feels the  cal Brain, Neuralink, in our ses- growing, and resolving challeng-
        Global Connect started the  momentum in growth of projects  sion GANN (GENERATIVE  es in healthcare in creative and
        GEW2020 on Nov 16th by host- in Virtual Reality, gaming, and  ADVERSARIAL                       NEURAL innovative ways.
        ing a roundtable conference  all the immersive visual experi-            NETWORK)           EXPLORING             Nov 20th evening will be with
        with entrepreneurs from vari- ences during covid-19 have given           NURALINK IMPLANTS. He  Alissa Christine, XR Healing
        ous businesses like media, Vir- us a momentum to grow and em- has built a large following in the  Artist  and  Founder  of  LUVR-
        tual Reality, and an entrepre- brace this opportunity to go cre- world of virtual and augmented  worldwide. It will be educational
        neur  teaching  digital  marketing  ate content and business alliances.  reality with tech-savvy innova- and pursuit in creating live 3D
        The topic was on MAKING                 A lunchtime panel on No- tors. He works with multination- spaces with tilt brushes for ar-
        IT WORK THROUGH PAN- vember 17th was interesting  al companies and Bollywood  tistic expression and marketing
        DEMIC BY GOING DIGITAL.  with Michael  McDonald,  CEO  creating Mixed Reality Experi- when she will demonstrate how
        “Our  first  guest  was  Sunil  Hali,  and Founder of GOLD LOTUS  ences for events and products.  to EXTEND YOUR BRAND-
        who is a Promoter & Publisher of  from Italy. He took us on a cul- InMARG is a global partner  ING REALITY WITH CRE-
        South  Asian  Media,  Marketing  tural discovery on Virtual Reality  with XRDI.                               ATIVE VR/AR
        & Entertainment in New York  platform of Southern Italy where                From Miami Angel Larck-              Rita das Mittal, CEO and
        and New Jersey. Radio Zindagi  he teaches English and virtu- et, Founder & CTO of Cobuild  Founder of InMARG Entre-
        has an audience following from  al reality skills. He believes that  Lab and Chief of Product Devel- preneurs Global Connect is an
        New York, New Jersey, Califor- learning English is important for  opment advised on how to build  official organizer for Global En-
        nia, and other places because  entrepreneurs since it is the com- an MVP within 6 to 8 weeks with  trepreneurship Week from Fort
        they employ RJs, journalists,  mon language for business. He  KEY ADVANTAGES OF SUP- Lauderdale, Florida.
        media-savvy professionals who  also believes in teaching entre- PLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT                              For  the  past  five  years,  Rita
        found a new avenue to reach a  preneurship and critical thinking  CUSTOM SOLUTION SOFT- inspired and joined the BUILD
        global audience through Web  skills which he is very passionate  WARE. They build Custom  MIAMI campaign as the Chapter
        TV live-streamed on multiple  about  in  LEARN  ENGLISH  Software Solutions to transform  Co-Director for Startup Grind
        platforms,” said the statement.      AND BUILD SKILLS FOR  logistical and productivity prob- Miami and organized events like
            Radio Zindagi almost over- THE FUTURE IN VIRTUAL  lems into competitive advantag- Fireside Chats, panel discussions,
        night turned global through  REALITY.                                    es. Cobuild Lab helps business  workshops, and pitching compe-
        excellent programming with              November 17th in the evening  owners and executives get past  titions with InMARG, TIE Mi-
        music shows, discussions on the  our panel discussion comprised  these challenges and turn them  ami, eMerge America, LATAM,
        covid-19 pandemic with physi- of Internal Medicine doctor  into Competitive Advantages.  and FIU. Now she is spending her
        cians, Eye on Elections, and oth- Alka Aneja Singh MD, Psychia- Increased operational capacity.  time  more  efficiently  collaborat-
        er interesting and trending topics.  trist Shobha Gupta MD, and Al- Errors reduction. Costs optimi- ing and partnering with business-
            Dan Grech, Founder & CEO  lergist and Immunology Special- zation. We discussed the tech  es and entrepreneurs from Mi-
        BizHack Academy is from Flori- ist Shanaz Fatteh, MD. All three  ecosystem and marketplace; also  ami, Fort Lauderdale, New York,
        da and is still has pivoted to from  ladies are physicians, community  the impact of COVID on entre- Italy, England, Dubai, and India.

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