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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline NOVEMBER 20, 2020 | The Indian Eye 25
atul satya Koushik to give leadership, motivation
and self-management lessons from indian mythology
Our Bureau times of lock down, negativity,
New York despair and depression this ses-
sions bring endeavours to bring
ew Age Guru on Mod- the back hope, positivity and en-
ern Mythology Atul Sa- lightenment in its audience.”
Ntya Koushik is bringing a Atul Satya Koushik spent ini-
session full of interesting short tial years of his education in a
stories, poems, examples, met- Hindi Medium school in Delhi
aphors and engaging discussion quietly listening to and absorb-
which will keep the audience ing mythological stories from all
hooked throughout on Novem- around him. Then he went to a
ber 19. The session will also convent school, then to Asia’s
have a Q&A session in the last top most commerce college,
part so that the inquisitiveness adapting to the culture change.
and curiosity of the audience Then he became a Chartered
may also be respected and their Accountant, then he studied law,
questions will be answered. The for next ten years he studied al-
speaker will also keep giving most all books on modern my-
notes of important principals, thology and made amazing plays
lessons, words during the session. out of them. And his latest avatar
“Ramayana and Mahabhara- is that of a story teller who is on
ta are two of the most important vational and inspiring lessons from these epics and presents a mission to tell these thousand
texts in spiritual history of India. which guide a superior family, them to the audience in the years old stories in a manner like
Not only they drive the disci- moral, social, political and eco- most relatable manner which never before and brining out
pline of Hindu Sanatan Dharma nomic atmosphere of India and strikes and immediate cord those meanings and interpreta-
in India but also have some of the world,” said the guru. with the audience and fills them tions from them which were al-
the most important leadership, “This particular sessions with immediate motivation and ways there in front of our eyes but
management, self-help, moti- brings out some of these lessons inspiration. Especially in the we never saw them in that light.
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