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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                               NOVEMBER 20, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          23

        indian in us devises collapsible chamber to manage panic attacks

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    peutic  exercise  prescribed  by

        New York                                                                                                      his or her therapist, to meditate,
                                                                                                                      or just be, it said. Kartikaye vis-
                n Indian in the US has                                                                                ited PTSD support groups in
                designed and fabricated                                                                               New  York City  and  consulted
       Aa sanctuary that one can                                                                                      psychotherapists as part of his
        retreat into during moments of                                                                                research for Reboot.
        panic, in a bid to address Post                                                                                   He discovered that in a
        Traumatic Stress Disorder, a                                                                                  trauma-survivor, panic may be
        widespread condition in Amer-                                                                                 triggered at any point in time,
        ica and the world over, accord-                                                                               especially when in a public
        ing to a PTI report.                 combining it with his research                                           place, where one doesn’t have
            The Post Traumatic Stress  in psychotherapy and wellness,                                                 immediate access to his or her
        Disorder (PTSD), a mental  according to a statement issued                                                    therapist. The drive to empow-
        health  condition,  can  develop  on Monday, according to the                                                 er the  user made him  build
        after a person is exposed to a  report.                                                                       several models, experimenting
        traumatic event. It could cause         Reboot  is  a  collapsible                                            with material, size, shape and
        significant  issues  in  the  social  chamber that can be used by                                             colour.
        life  of  a  person  and  interfere  survivors of PTSD in moments                                                The  telescoped space is 5
        with the ability to perform dai- of panic, and is intended to be                                              feet  wide, 7.5  feet  high, and
        ly tasks. Kartikaye Mittal, 32,  installed in  university  campus-                                            depth extendable to 4 feet. The
        who holds a master’s degree  es, hospitals, airports, malls                                                   chamber collapses to merely
        in Industrial Design from Pratt  and other crowded places. The  bance, distraction or aggrava- 15 inches and can be instantly
        Institute in New York, has cre- chamber alters sensory stimuli  tion, it added.                               extended when necessary. The
        ated the prototype called Re- and creates an environment in                  It gives the user a person- internal surface is designed to
        boot, employing his knowledge  which the person can manage  al space to retreat into when  absorb sound, the  statement
        of design and engineering, and  one’s emotions without distur- needed, to practice the thera- said, according to PTI.

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