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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline NOVEMBER 20, 2020 | The Indian Eye 24
dr. atul Gawande named to Biden’s transition
COvid-19 advisory Board
Our Bureau surgeon, Harvard professor, and tries have successfully protected
Washington, DC best-selling author. healthcare workers, developing
“Dealing with the corona- tools to guide decision makers
resident-elect Joe Biden virus pandemic is one of the with vaccine allocation planning,
has named Indian Amer- most important battles our ad- and managing COVID-19 in
Pican medical expert Dr. ministration will face, and I will surgical systems.
Atul Gawande as one of the be informed by science and by In addition to his role as
members of his Transition experts,” said President-elect Founder and Governing Coun-
COVID-19 Advisory Board. Af- Biden. “The advisory board will cil Chair of Ariadne Labs, Dr.
ter his appointment, Dr. Gawa- help shape my approach to man- Atul Gawande, MD, MPH, is
nde tweeted, “I’m grateful and aging the surge in reported infec- the Cyndy and John Fish Distin-
honored to be asked to serve and tions; ensuring vaccines are safe, guished Professor of Surgery at
to contribute to ending this pan- effective, and distributed effi- Brigham and Women’s Hospi-
demic. We have runaway spread in various organizations. He is a ciently, equitably, and free; and tal, Samuel O. Thier Professor
right now. But I am confident we household name today thanks to protecting at-risk populations.” of Surgery at Harvard Medical
can get the virus under control, his articles in prestigious medical Ariadne Labs is a joint center School, and Professor of Health
save lives, livelihoods, and bring journals and the New Yorker, for health systems innovation at Policy and Management at Har-
people back together again.” and his best-seller books that are Brigham and Women’s Hospital vard T.H. Chan School of Pub-
Dr. Gawande, 55, is a sur- read widely around the world. and Harvard T.H. Chan School of lic Health. Dr. Gawande is also
geon, professor, entrepreneur, Dr. Atul Gawande is found- Public Health. It was founded by chair of Lifebox, a nonprofit or-
journalist and best-selling au- er and chair of Ariadne Labs, Dr. Gawande to design and scale ganization making surgery saf-
thor, who wears numerous hats Brigham and Women’s Hospital health system solutions that can er globally, and of Haven, the
produce better care and better health care venture founded by
lives for everyone everywhere. Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway,
Through Ariadne Labs, Dr. Ga- and JPMorgan Chase. He is the
wande has worked with state author of four New York Times
and federal agencies, the World bestselling books, including Be-
Health Organization, and health ing Mortal, and a staff writer
care systems across the country for the New Yorker magazine.
and the world to improve system He previously served as a senior
outcomes in surgery, primary advisor in the Department of
health care, childbirth, serious Health and Human Services in
illness care, as well as in epidem- the Clinton Administration.
ics including H1N1, Ebola, the Dr. Gawande was born on
opioid crisis, and COVID-19. November 5, 1965, in Brooklyn,
As the COVID-19 pandem- New York, to Maharashtrian
ic has affected nearly all aspects immigrant parents. He earned a
of health care delivery and the bachelor’s degree in biology and
day-to-day lives of patients, pro- political science from Stanford
viders, and populations, Ariadne University, where he met and
Labs has focused on develop- married Kathleen Hobson. As
ing simple, scalable solutions in a Rhodes scholar, he earned an
seven priority areas: Communi- MA in Philosophy, Politics and
ty Mitigation, Vaccine Delivery Economics from Oxford. He
and Testing, Global Response, graduated as Doctor of Medicine
Seniors and Vulnerable People, from Harvard Medical School in
Safe Surgery and Safe Systems, 1995 and earned a Master’s in
Obstetrics and Outpatient Care. Public Health from Harvard. He
Solutions have drawn on new re- completed his surgical residency,
search, front-line clinical experi- again at Harvard, in 2003.
ence, and Ariadne Labs’ resourc- He had a brief brush with
es and accumulated knowledge. politics when he joined Al Gore’s
Dr. Gawande’s coronavirus 1988 presidential campaign and
work with Ariadne has includ- took a break from medical school
ed scaling COVID-19 testing, and directed a committee of the
demonstrating how other coun- Clinton Health Care Task Force.
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