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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            NOVEMBER 10, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 25

                 ITServe’s Flagship Synergy 2023

                                     Held In Atlantic City

        OUR BUREAU                                   or diversifying investments or starting new territo-  made, in addition to building your businesses and
                                                     ries. Let’s make the most of Synergy.”        providing employment for people.:
        Atlantic City, NJ
                                                         Vinodbabu Uppu, Governing Board Chair of     Secretary Clinton urged the Indian Diaspora
              etworking, learning and sharing of knowl-  ITServe said, “Synergy 2023 is the only one-of-a-  “to continue to be involved in your communities,-
              edge, great and hignly acclaimed speakers,   kind conference delivering innovative strategies,   to be members of civic clubs. volunteer groups, and
        Ninsightful workshops, collaborating with    unique insights, and proven tactics for success, ex-  really take part in American society in every way
        one another, strengthening bonds, celebrating one’s   clusively for IT service companies and individuals.   possible, and also to make the decision if you so
        achievements and accomplishments, cultural and   Synergy 2023 will focus on developing strategic   choose, to become an American citizen and as you
        fun events, awards ceremony, showcasing of business   relationships with our partner organizations, spon-  wish to do. And for those of you who are the chil-
        booths and products, and delicious and multi-eth-  sors, and supporters to work for a better technology   dren, who are American citizens, guide them to be
        nic cuisine, and attended by over 2,200 members of   environment by building greater understanding.”  very active. Not just getting their education or being
        ITServe Alliance, who are small and medium size   Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Chief   a successful person economically, but to be involved
        companies of Information Technology were only   Guest at Synergy 2023, delivered the Keynote Ad-  in things. There’s a lot to it. So, I think that the In-
        some of the highlights of ItServe Alliance’s flagship   dress during  an interactive  session with ITServe   dian diaspora, you know are good role models for
        Synergy 2023 held from October 26th to 27th, 2023   members on October 27th  evening. Ms. Clinton,   people in many parts of our country. So, I personal-
        at the popular Harrahs Resport in Atlantic City, NJ.   the 67th Secretary of State of the United States has   ly am very grateful for the many contributions that
            In his Presidential address, Vinay K. Mahajan,   dedicated over four decades in public service as an   you are making and will make in the future.”
        National President of ITServe Alliance, welcomed   advocate, attorney, First Lady, and US Senator.  Steve Forbes, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief,
        the members, leaders, chapter presidents, sponsors,   During a candid “Fireside Chat” Secretary   Forbes  Media  spoke about “Leadership  Lessons:
        and volunteers to Synergy 2023 and expressed his   Clinton shared with the audience very candidly   The Stunning Parallels Between Great Leaders of
        “sincere gratitude for your unwavering commit-  about her private life, growing up as a child, her   the World and Today’s Top Business Leaders.” He
        ment, and dedication, and for investing your time   marriage to Bill Clinton, struggles in managing ca-  said, “You have to do things even if you feel you’re not
        and energy and resources. You are the backbone   reers as a daughter, wife, mother, and a public fig-  fully ready to do it. The next year or two will be very
        of our organization, and your unwavering commit-  ure holding numerous important positions locally,   severe. But also keep in mind that enormous posi-
        ment is what propels us forward.”            nationally and internationally.               tive changes are coming. There will be in 2025, after
            Sanghani, who led a dedicated and visionary   Secretary Clinton praised the contributions   the elections, with your help a new immigration law
        team organizing this historic event said, “Synergy   and  accomplishments  of  the  fast-growing  Indian   on H1 B Visas, virtually unlimited to meet the needs
        2023  is  our  landmark  flagship  gathering.  The  es-  Americans. She said, “I’m so proud of the many ac-  of a growing economy.” Giving hope in this world
        sence of it so synergy lies not only very knowledge   complishments of the Indian diaspora in the United   of wars, Forbes pointed to areas of hope. “We saw
        exchange, but inspiring one another. Let the suc-  States. I really want to thank you and commend you   it in the meeting between President Biden, Prime
        cess stories of fellow entrepreneurs ignite your am-  for the extraordinary contributions to the nation.  I   Minister Modi weeks ago. These forces are coming
        bitions, be it scaling your business to the next level,   was so impressed by the many contributions you’ve   together to make sure there is peace in the world.”

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