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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            NOVEMBER 10, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 24


                                 ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
           ndian American Kerala Cultural
           and Civic Center, Inc. (The Kera-
        Ila Center) celebrated its 31st An-
        nual Awards Dinner at the Center’s
        auditorium in Elmont, NY, on Sat-
        urday, October 28, 2023.  The Center
        honored eight individuals who made
        notable contributions in their profes-
        sions and to society with their selfless
            This year’s honorees were: Dr.
        Shyam Kottilil (Baltimore, MD)
        --Lifetime Achievement Award; Sa-
        jeeb Koya (Pickering, Ontario, Can-
        ada) - Entrepreneurship; Dr. Anna
        George (Long Island, NY) - Nursing;
        Dr. Shelby Kutty (Baltimore, MD)
        - Medicine; Ajay Ghosh (Trumbull,   Awardees 2023 – Ajay Ghosh, Dr. Shelby Kutty, Sajeeb Koya, Dr. Shyam Kottilil, Dr. Anna George, Gopala Pillai, Lata Menon, and Jayant Kamicheril
        CT) - Media  and Journalism;  Lata
        Menon, Esq. (Mississauga, Ontario,
        Canada) - Legal Services, Jayant Ka-                                                                  har Thomas, coordinator of Sargavedi
        micheril (Reading, PA) - Pravasi Ma-                                                                  at the Kerala Center, and Sen. Thom-
        layalam Literature; and Gopala Pillai                                                                 as presented the award.
        (Dallas, Texas) - Community Service.                                                                      The award for excellence in Nurs-
            The  program  commenced with                                                                      ing went to Dr. Anna George, current
        the American and Indian National                                                                      president of the Indian Nurses Asso-
        anthems sung by Riya Roy and Bincy                                                                    ciation of New York (INANY). She is
        Cherian. President Alex K. Esthap-                                                                    a Nurse, a nurse practitioner, human
        pan welcomed everyone and provided                                                                    rights advocate, and a social activist.
        a brief description of the activities and                                                                 The award for legal service went
        goals of the Kerala Center.                                                                           to Lata Menon, Esq. an accomplished
            New York Senator Kevin Thomas                                                                     Barrister and Solicitor and active
        and Nassau County Legislator Carrie                                                                   community member, who has become
        Solages said felicitations and present-  Noopura School of Dance students performing classical dances at the event  a recognized name in the legal com-
        ed the awards. These dignitaries were                                                                 munity in Ontario as well as the Indi-
        introduced by Dr. Thomas Abraham,                                                                     an states of Maharashtra, Karnataka,
        Chairman of the Trustee Board and   explained the successes and failures   of several organizations in Texas and   and Kerala, where she practiced as a
        Award Committee member.           of managing the COVID outbreak    Detroit, and has been with the World   lawyer before immigrating to Canada.
            Sen.  Thomas,  a  prior  awardee   and how to prevent future outbreaks   Malayali Council from1995 as its Sec-  The  ceremony  was  attend-
        himself, praised the Kerala Center for   which will certainly happen sometime   retary, President and Chairman.   ed by leaders of many com-
        honoring individuals who excelled in   in the future.                   The award for outstanding     munity    organizations   includ-
        their professions and served the soci-  The award for entrepreneurship   achievements in Medicine went to Dr.   ing  FOMAA  and  FOKANA.
        ety with dedication. Legislator Solag-  went to Sajeeb Koya, the man behind   Shelby Kutty, a physician-scientist and   The songs sung by Bincy Cheri-
        es remarked that students of Indian   the LED Façade lighting that lights up   academic leader, serving as the Hel-  an, Tahseen Mohammed, Sibi David,
        and Malayalee descent made him a   Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the   en B. Taussig endowed professor and   Toni and Heera, and Indian classical
        better student and that helped him   world. Sajeeb and his team are proud   director of pediatric and congenital   dances performed by Noopura School
        to go to George Town University. He   to be part of this project which owns 2   cardiology at the Johns Hopkins Uni-  of Dance made the awards night a
        also remarked that there is nothing   Guinness World Records.       versity School of Medicine.       colorful one. Secretary Raju Thomas
        wrong with loving the country of our   The award for Media and Jour-    The award for contributions to   concluded the ceremony with a vote of
        origin while loving the USA.      nalism went to Ajay Ghosh, Chief   Pravasi Malayalam Literature went   thanks to honored guests, awardees,
            A Lifetime achievement award   Editor and Co-Publisher of The Uni-  to Jayant Kamicheril, a recipient of   sponsors, audience, and everyone
        was presented to Dr. Shyam Kottil-  versal News Network.            Kerala Sahithya Academy award for   who worked so hard to make it a suc-
        il for his outstanding contributions   The award for community service   2022 for his book “Oru Kumarakom   cessful event. With delicious dinner,
        in the field of virology and scientific   went to Gopala Pillai who has served   Karantay Kuruthamketta Likhithan-  catered by Cotilion, the 2023 Award
        research. In his keynote speech, he   as the President and Board Member   gal”. Jayant was introduced by Mano-  Night came to a delightful conclusion.

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