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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 10, 2023 | The Indian Eye 23
NY City agencies take action to prevent fatal
overdoses in the construction industry
Awareness Outreach Conducted During National Substance Abuse Prevention Month
OUR BUREAU reducing and preventing drug use. By According to Health Department harm reduction resources, including
educating construction workers on data, at least 269 construction workers comprehensive wraparound services
New York, NY
substance use disorders and provid- died of an overdose in 2020, by far the and help connecting with treatment
ity agencies are taking action ing them with the support they need, most of any occupation included in the and other resources.
to prevent fatal overdoses in we are addressing this dire issue and analysis. This mirrored national data, Earlier this year, the Health De-
Cthe construction industry after helping the New Yorkers who build according to a US Centers for Disease partment released data showing an
survey data revealed that construction and maintain our city.” Control analysis, that found construc- unprecedented rise in fatal overdoses.
workers led occupational groups in “We’ve said before that overdose tion was an industry that saw more fa- Fentanyl—an opioid 50 to 100 times
overdose deaths. In response to this prevention is an all-hands effort,” said tal overdoses than other occupations. stronger than morphine—was found
troubling data, the City’s Health and Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin The Health Department re- in more than 80% of drug overdose
Buildings Departments is sending an Vasan. “Messages about prevention viewed fatal overdose data, and pulled deaths in New York City. The presence
alert to the City’s construction indus- and support should be available in our available employment information for of fentanyl in the unregulated drug
try about the potentially fatal dan- homes, communities and at our work- all of those individuals who were be- supply has substantially increased the
gers associated with substance abuse, places. Data show that workers in the tween the ages of 18 and 64. The data risk of overdose. Fentanyl is predom-
along with tools they can utilize to pre- construction industry are potential- shows that the most common job for inantly found along with heroin, but
vent fatal overdoses. Staff from both ly at greater risk, which is why we’re overdose decedents was one in the has also been found in other substanc-
Departments will also be visiting con- grateful to our Buildings colleagues “Construction and Extraction” field, es, including illicitly manufactured
struction sites in the days ahead to dis- who want to ensure that people are a category defined by the US Bureau pills, such as those pressed to look like
cuss substance abuse issues, the dan- safe both on and off a worksite.” of Labor Statistics that covers mul- pain medication or benzodiazepines.
gers of fentanyl, how to use Naloxone “Construction professionals and tiple specific occupations in the con- In addition, DOB will be con-
to prevent a fatal overdose, and work their families should know that their struction industry. This was consistent ducting outreach to contractors and
site safety, giving critical information city is not closing the book on those across all race/ethnicity groups. site safety professionals working in
directly to workers on how they can in crisis,” said NYC Department The Department of Health and the city, asking them to include drug
keep themselves safe both on and off of Buildings Commissioner Jimmy Mental Hygiene provides free pro- and alcohol safety information during
the construction site. Oddo. “We know that an injury on grams for New Yorkers to learn how their morning “tool box talks.” These
“The opioid crisis has hurt peo- the construction site is sometimes to recognize the signs of an overdose required pre-shift meetings are con-
ple in every community and at every just the first chapter of a tragedy, and and respond with naloxone. Along ducted on work sites across the city
phase of life, so we must be compre- along with our partners at the Health with not-for-profit partners, the every day, providing every member of
hensive in our efforts to tackle it and Department we are committed to pro- Health Department makes naloxone the construction crew with a rundown
keep New Yorkers safe,” said New moting the safety of our fellow New kits and fentanyl test strips available of the day’s work, and potential safety
York City Mayor Eric Adams. “New Yorkers, both on and off the construc- at no cost for members of the public concerns related to that work. DOB
York City is facing a deadly and devas- tion site. Through mandatory drug through Opioid Overdose Prevention will be asking that upcoming “tool
tating opioid crisis, and that’s why last and alcohol awareness classes to qual- Programs. City-run medication for box talks” include information about
month, our administration convened ify for site safety training cards, and di- opioid use disorder programs can be overdose prevention, highlighting
elected leaders, public health officials, rect outreach on major work sites, we found on the NYC Health Map. In how many members of the construc-
and law enforcement from across the are letting the industry know that help addition, state-licensed and city-sup- tion industry are lost to fatal overdos-
nation to develop strategies around is available.” ported Syringe Service Programs offer es each year.
University and Beyond (UnB) and The New Jersey National Guard
Successfully Host Informative Webinar on ROTC Pathway
OUR BUREAU As per the release, the session was National Guard SSG Mohammed With a strong emphasis on character
attended by a diverse audience com- Masood, who presented the webinar, development and academic achieve-
New Jersey
prising of students, parents, and edu- stated “The New Jersey National ment, Rutgers ROTC produces of-
niversity and Beyond (UnB), cation professionals, who gained valu- Guard is a dedicated force committed ficers who are prepared to meet the
a leading student education able insights into the significance of to safeguarding and assisting the citi- challenges of modern military ser-
Uand career excellence startup, the ROTC pathway and its potential zens of New Jersey, the United States, vice with intelligence, integrity, and
in collaboration with The New Jersey impact on students’ educational and and the world. The New Jersey Na- valor.”
National Guard, organized an insight- professional trajectories. The partici- tional Guard stands at the forefront Pankaj Sharma, Co-Promoter
ful webinar on October 28, 2023. This pants gained access to in-depth knowl- of homeland defense, emergency of UnB and chief organizer detailed
entailed a comprehensive overview of edge about the structure, benefits, response, and global security, work- out the need for students’ academic
the essential components of the Re- and opportunities associated with the ing alongside with Rutgers ROTC, and educational excellence for the
serve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) ROTC program, empowering them to housed within Rutgers University, growth of US economy and meet-
pathway for both high school and uni- make informed decisions about their prepares cadets for leadership roles ing its future challenges, emphasiz-
versity students, focusing on its bene- future educational and career paths. in the U.S. military through rigorous ing how UnB is helping in that, and
fits, requirements, and opportunities. On behalf of the New Jersey training and academic programs. ROTC pathway is one such way.