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BIG STORY                                                                   NOVEMBER 05, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                     9

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        partnership; people to people  Countries (LMDC) Ministerial  cade at the current rate of glob-                    A ministerial statement was
        ties, health, defence & security  meeting titled “Preparations for  al emissions.                             endorsed by the LMDC min-
        across  areas  are  all  covered,”  COP 26 on Climate Change-Ex-             The ministerial-level like- isters during the meeting, ex-
        IGF quoted him saying.               pectations and Challenges” on  minded  developing  countries  pressing their full support to
            Earlier, Union Minister for  Monday, Yadav called for rapid  group meeting has been hosted  COP26 Presidency and willing-
        Environment, Forest and Cli- reduction of emissions by devel- by the State of Bolivia ahead  ness to work closely and con-
        mate Change Bhupender Ya- oped countries in this decade.  of the upcoming crucial 26th  structively with all other parties
        dav on Monday called for the  Yadav in his address noted that  climate change conference to be  and stakeholders towards a suc-
        reduction of emissions by devel- the world needs rapid and trans- held in Glasgow, the UK from  cessful COP26 through the mul-
        oped countries adding that the  formative actions, in view of the  October 31 to November 12,  tilateral process that is conduct-
        remaining global carbon budget  fact that the remaining global  2021. LMDC comprises around  ed in an open and transparent,
        is meagre. Participating virtually  carbon budget is meagre and  25 developing countries from  inclusive, party-driven and con-
        in the Like-Minded Developing  will be exhausted within this de- Asia and other regions.                      sensus-based manner.

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