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BIG STORY                                                                   NOVEMBER 05, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                     8

        terms of installed renewable en-                                                                              precedes G20 Rome Summit.
        ergy, wind and solar energy ca-                                                                               “Union Finance Minister Smt.
        pacity. “I will also highlight the                                                                            @nsitharaman embarks on an
        need to comprehensively ad-                                                                                   official  visit  to  attend  #G20
        dress climate change issues in-                                                                               Joint Finance & Health Minis-
        cluding equitable distribution of                                                                             ters meeting in #Rome to dis-
        carbon space, support for miti-                                                                               cuss measures to strengthen
        gation and adaptation and resil-                                                                              #COVID19         #PandemicPre-
        ience- building measures, mobi-                                                                               vention, #preparedness & #re-
        lization  of  finance,  technology                                                                            sponse. The meeting precedes
        transfer and importance of sus-                                                                               #G20RomeSummit,”  tweeted
        tainable lifestyles for green and                                                                             the Ministry of Finance.
        inclusive growth,” he said.                                                                                       The Ministers of Econo-
            The  Prime  Minister  said                                                                                my and Finance traditionally
        COP26 Summit will also provide                                                                                also take part in the event. The
        an opportunity to meet with all                                                                               Summit is the climax of the G20
        the stakeholders including lead-          US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry with Modi      process  and  the  final  stage,  at
        ers of partner countries, inno-                                in New Delhi (ANI)                             the Leaders’ level, of the in-
        vators and Inter-Governmental                                                                                 tense work carried out within
        Organization and explore the                                                                                  Ministerial Meetings, Work-
        possibilities for further acceler-                                                                            ing Groups and Engagement
        ating India’s clean growth.                                                                                   Groups throughout the year.
            India will raise issues related                                                                               The working meetings of
        to cross-border terrorism, ter-                                                                               Heads of State and Govern-
        ror financing and terror-related                                                                              ment will be held at the Rome
        activities having an impact on it                                                                             Convention Centre ‘La Nuvo-
        and the world at the G20 sum-                                                                                 la’, in the city’s EUR district.
        mit with member countries also                                                                                    The Rome Summit will be
        slated to discuss ways to build                                                                               the 16th G20 gathering at the
        back from COVID-19 pandem-                                                                                    level of Heads of State and
        ic, Foreign Secretary Harsh V                                                                                 Government. The first was held
        Shringla said on Thursday.                                                                                    in Washington in November
            Briefing  reporters  about                                                                                2008 and the last - held digitally
        Prime  Minister  Narendra  Mo-                                                                                under the Saudi Presidency - in
        di’s visit to Italy for G20 sum-              Indian Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla (ANI)           November 2020.
        mit and to the UK for COP 26                                                                                      Also, Harsh Vardhan Shrin-
        meeting, Shringla said that G20  humanitarian needs of Afghan- and 60 per cent of the world’s                 gla has said that India has more
        follows an economics-orient- istan and we will be responsive  population.                                     renewable energy in its basket
        ed agenda but India “will not  to that situation if the correct              “Thus, it is fitting to say that   since 2017 and the country will
        be falling short in raising issue  situation is prevalent,” he said.     over time G20 has emerged            go to COP26 with full commit-
        like cross-border terrorism, ter-       The Foreign Secretary said  as not only the premier global            ment. He was speaking through
        ror  financing  and  terror-relat- India has used the G20 plat- forum for international coop-                 a video conference at an event
        ed  activities  having  impact  on  form for steps to bring more tax  eration but also an  important          organised by India Global Fo-
        ourselves and on the world”. “It  transparency and curb tax eva- platform to exchange, innovate               rum. “Since 2017, we have had
        is important to see policies on  sions or avoidance, bribery and  and deliberate on policy issues             more renewable energy in our
        corruption, tax evasion, money  corruption. He said there’s una- that have a direct and tangible              basket; we intend to go in with
        laundering but we will not be  nimity in G20 “on building back  impact on the quality of life of              a full commitment to COP26,”
        falling short in raising issues re- from the pandemic by focusing  our citizens and this could be in          India Global Forum quoted him
        lated to terrorism,” he added.       on job creation, skill develop- areas of global financial stabili-       as saying.
            Responding to a query on  ment and it is an important part  ty,  sustainable  finance,  health,               According to tweets by the
        Afghanistan, the Foreign  Sec- of the overall discussions and  food security,” Shringla said.                 Forum, the Foreign Secretary
        retary said G20 had organised  agenda that will be there”.                   Union Minister of Finance        also lauded India’s vaccination
        a summit-level meeting on Af-           “Resumption of internation- and Corporate Affairs, Nir-               drive and said that the country
        ghanistan and  the Prime  Min- al travel through mutual recog- mala Sitharaman on Thursday                    has administered one billion
        ister had participated in it. “We  nition of vaccine, national vac- embarked on an official visit to          COVID-19 vaccine doses. He
        have been forthcoming on hu- cine document this is been our  Italy to attend the G20 Joint                    said that ties between India and
        manitarian support. We did say  proposal and there’s strong sup- Finance and Health Ministers’                UK are getting strengthened in
        we would like to see assistance  port within emerging market  meeting in Rome.                                diverse areas.
        in a direct, unhindered man- economies in the group in this                  She will be discussing mea-          “Quantum leap is very rel-
        ner and distribution should be  regard,”  he  said. He  said  G20  sures to strengthen COVID-19               evant  when  you  see what’s
        through other independent  represents 80 per cent of world’s  pandemic prevention, prepared-                  on  the  table  in  the  UK-India
        agencies. We are aware of the  GDP, 75 per cent of global trade  ness and response. The meeting                  Continued on next page... >>

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