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NATION NOVEMBER 05, 2021 | The Indian Eye 10
uttar pradesh
ahead of elections, Congress
projects Priyanka Gandhi as the
champion of ordinary people
Ahead of upcoming Assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh, the Congress party is
holding a statewide ‘Pratigya Yatras’ till November 1
Our Bureau
ongress leader Priyanka
Gandhi Vadra is quick-
Cly emerging as the face
of Congress party in Uttar
Pradesh, the state where As-
sembly elections are scheduled
to be held in early 2022. She is
travelling across the state and
meeting ordinary people.
Priyanka Gandhi’s an-
nouncement of 40 per cent
reservation for women in
forthcoming assembly polls
has already created a buzz.
On Thursday, Priyanka in- Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra interacts with women farmers during the launch
teracted with her ‘coolie broth- of the 'Pratigya Yatra', in Barabanki on Saturday. (ANI)
ers’ or porters at Charbagh
railway station in Lucknow. at an agricultural farm in Ut- manifesto. Priyanka Gandhi able candidates for 150 assem-
During the interaction, the por- tar Pradesh’s Barabanki, from will also interact with the pub- bly seats. Out of these 150 seats,
ters told Vadra about the prob- where she would flag-off the lic regarding these pledges. control rooms have been set up
lems related to their livelihood ‘Pratigya Yatra’. Speaking on The ‘Pratigya Yatra’ will cov- in 78 assembly segments for the
and the economic blow they the purpose of her visit, Priyan- er 12,000 kilometres. Various poll strategy and operations.
faced during the COVID-19 ka Gandhi said, “I want to un- press conferences, ‘nukkad For a few seats, candidates have
pandemic. Priyanka Gandhi derstand their (women farm- sabhas’, temple visits, road- been given a green signal by
is currently the general secre- ers’) working conditions, how shows, Jan Sabhas etc will be the party and have been asked
tary of the All-India Congress they are raising their daughters held during the yatra. to hit ground zero and start
Committee in charge of Uttar and if they are able to educate Meanwhile, the Central preparations for the poll battle.
Pradesh. them.” Ahead of upcoming As- Election Committee (CEC) of “Although the Poll dates
Then, Priyanka Gandhi sembly polls in Uttar Pradesh, the Congress will meet soon at have not been announced, we
Vadra left for Lalitpur. Ac- Congress is holding a statewide the party’s interim president So- are committed to fighting the
cording to sources, Vadra went ‘Pratigya Yatras’ from October nia Gandhi’s residence to dis- Polls to win. So, we are final-
to Lalitpur in Bundelkhand to 23 to November 1. cuss the ‘probable candidates’ izing the list much before the
meet the families of farmers During her rallies, Congress for the Uttar Pradesh Assem- time so that the candidates get
who had died recently. will communicate its ‘seven bly polls scheduled next year. enough time to reach out to the
Last Saturday, Priyanka had pledges’ to the people in the According to top sources, the voters,” the source added.
interacted with women farmers state, apart from its election party has scrutinized the prob- Continued on next page... >>
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