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OPINION                                                                     NOVEMBER 05, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                     14

                    evolving Idea of the Quad:

            emerGInG teChnOlOGy

         COVID-19 and the subsequent behaviour of China raised many questions regarding China’s commitment to rise
         as a responsible international player. China’s tendency to weaponize trade and technology became obvious. China

                punished Australia in the domain of trade as it demanded a fair enquiry into the origin of COVID-19

        niranjan C. Oak

                 ver the years, the Quad-
                 rilateral Security Dia-
        Ologue (Quad) has ex-
        panded its agenda to adapt itself
        to face the gen-next threats in
        the  Indo-Pacific,  most  notably
        the emerging technology. The
        Quad was created as an ad hoc
        group  to  help  the  Indo-Pacific
        littoral states in the aftermath of
        the Tsunami in 2004. Although  the  Quad  re-emerged  on the  statement post meeting, the is- ponize trade  and technology
        the first iteration of the Quad in  sidelines of the 31st Associa- sues raised were similar to those  became obvious. China pun-
        2007 was short-lived, the latest  tion of Southeast Asian Nations  raised during the working-level  ished Australia in the domain
        iteration promises that Quad is  (ASEAN) Summit and 12th East  meetings.  The  first  ministerial  of trade as the latter demanded
        here to stay for decades to come.  Asia Summit in Manila, 2017.  meeting  saw  a  limited  expan- a fair enquiry into the origin of
        This inference can be reached  Four working-level meetings— sion of the agenda as the Quad  COVID-19. Moreover, reports
        based on the expansive agenda  November 2017, June 2018, No- countries “conducted a tabletop  emerged about the Chinese
        that the Quad has drawn for it- vember 2018 and May 2019—in- counter-terrorism exercise in  quest to snoop the foreign gov-
        self, which looks beyond narrow  volving officials from the foreign  November 2019 and convened a  ernments by using 5G mobile
        security calculations in the re- ministries of Delhi, Washington,  meeting of cyber experts the fol- network technology and meddle
        gion. The first in-person summit  Tokyo and Canberra focused on  lowing month”. As COVID-19  in the country’s internal affairs.
        of the Quad leaders delved upon  “a free, open, prosperous and in- gripped the world in early 2020,  Earlier, in 2017, China enacted
        not only the security situation in  clusive Indo-Pacific region” ben- the senior officials’ consultation  the National Intelligence Law
        the  Indo-Pacific  but  also  multi- efitting all in the region and the  of the four countries “under- that made it mandatory for the
        ple areas, including the supply of  world at large. They also touched  scored the importance of en- Chinese firms to cooperate with
        COVID-19 vaccines, climate cri- upon connectivity, sustainable  hancing the resilience of supply  its intelligence agencies by giving
        sis, terrorism and emerging tech- development, counter-terrorism,  chains” and added pandemic  free access to their data within
        nology. By making the emerging  non-proliferation,         humanitari- and best practices to deal with  and without China. Thus, the law
        technology one of the corner- an assistance and disaster relief  the same in the agenda of the  violated the digital sovereignty of
        stones of the grouping, the Quad  (HADR), cyber security and  meeting. The second ministerial  the nations where Chinese firms
        has shown its resilience to stay  ASEAN centrality. The separate  meeting  of  the  Quad  in  Tokyo,  had market access in accordance
        relevant in the fast-changing  statements from the four cap- held in October 2020, discussed  with the international law. In
        strategic environment of the In- itals also mentioned about the  “post COVID-19 international  view of the Chinese threat in the
        do-Pacific. Therefore, it is perti- respect for sovereignty, equality  order” and issues related to “the  realm of emerging technologies,
        nent to look at the evolution of  and territorial integrity of all na- resilience of supply chains” in  the Quad proved deft enough to
        the second iteration of the Quad  tions in a transparent, econom- addition to the maritime security  adapt to the new reality.
        and how the minilateral is seam- ically  viable  and  financially  re- issues of the Indo-Pacific.               The joint statement following
        lessly synergising technology  sponsible manner.                                                              the Quad leaders’ virtual summit
        with its original agenda of secu-       In September 2019, the work-             emerGenCe OF                 in March 2021 mentioned “crit-
        rity.                                ing-level meeting of the Quad             teChnOlOGy as a                ical technologies” three times.
                                             was elevated to the ministeri-               COrnerstOne                 The leaders resolved that the
          eVOlutiOn OF the quaD              al-level meeting when the Unit-         COVID-19 and the sub- Quad “will begin cooperation on
            Amid the  belligerent  be- ed States (US) Secretary of State  sequent behaviour of China  the  critical  technologies  of  the
        haviour of China in the maritime  Mike  Pompeo  hosted  his  coun- raised many  questions  regard- future to ensure that innovation
        continuum  of  the  Indo-Pacific  terparts from India, Japan and  ing China’s commitment to rise  is consistent with a free, open,
        and growing trust and comfort  Australia in New York. Although  as a responsible international  inclusive, and resilient Indo-Pa-
        between the four democracies,  the leaders did not issue a joint  player. China’s tendency to wea-               Continued on next page... >>

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