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North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                            NOVEMBER 03, 2023

           Diwali Celebrated at Minnesota State Capitol

                   with Governor and Lieutenant Governor

        OUR BUREAU
        St Paulo, Minnesota

               ctober 18th marked a historic
               moment for Indian Ameri-
        Ocans across the State of Min-
        nesota as the leadership from the
        community celebrated Diwali at the
        state capitol in Saint Paul, Minneso-
        ta with Governor Tim Walz and Lt.
        Governor Peggy Flannigan.
            The celebration began with
        the recitation of the Shanti Mantra
        from the Vedas chanted by Vishal
        Agarwal. The prayer for peace to
        encompass every corner of the uni-
        verse was translated in English by Sa-
        rang Tantry, a senior at the Wayzata
        High School who along with several
        high schoolers attended the event.
        Amongst others, guests included
        leaders  from  the  Hindu  Society  of
        Minnesota, S.V Temple, BAPS, IAM,
        and the Sikh and Jain Community.
        Eminent  leaders  from  the Business,
        Arts and Music, and Community
        Outreach sections of the community
        were also part of the celebration.
            Lauding the contributions made   MN Governor Tim Walz and  Lt Governor lighting the traditional Deya with Vallabha Tantry AIA - Minnesota Event Chair and  Gopal Khanna,
        by  some  40,000  plus  Indian  Ameri-                     former AIA - National Vice President at the first ever Diwali Celebration
        cans who live in Minnesota, Gover-
        nor  Tim  Walz  said,  “This  first  ever
        Diwali celebration is a testament to   various  fields,  including  science,  ed-  being part of the first-ever Diwali at  York City in 1987, and it has become
        the rich cultural heritage and contri-  ucation, medicine, law, politics, busi-  the State Capitol. She emphasized   a  mega  celebration  with  fireworks
        butions of the community to the state   ness, technology, culture, and sports.  the importance of cultural diversity   and cultural activities, a must go to
        of Minnesota in all walks of life.” In   This  proclamation  signifies  the  cul-  and the harmony that arises from   annual event in the New York tristate
        his heartfelt remarks welcoming   tural richness and diversity that In-  celebrating various traditions.   area.” He added, “AIA led the es-
        the community leaders, Governor   dian American community brings to     Upon    receiving  GANESH     tablishment of Diwali at The White
        Walz emphasized the importance    Minnesota.                        Murthi presented to the governor as   House,  a  tradition  that  was  started
        of embracing diversity and the role   Governor Walz was joined by   a special gift, he said “This gift will   by President George W. Bush in 2003,
        that the community plays in making   Lieutenant Governor Flanagan to   have a permanent placement in the   and that tradition has continued for
        Minnesota great. The Governor also   light the traditional Deya along with   governor’s  mansion  as a memento   the last twenty years by Presidents
        stressed the significance of religious   Vallabha Tantry and Gopal Khanna.  for the first Diwali celebration.” The   Obama, Trump and Biden.”
        freedom and the responsibility to en-  Tantry and Khanna representing the   Lt. Governor was presented with   “The historic Diwali celebra-
        sure that everyone feels seen, heard,  Association of Indians in America   The Bhagwat Gita by Shri Chin-  tion at the Minnesota State Capitol
        and welcomed. Governor Walz is-   (AIA) in Minnesota worked with    mayanand.                         serves as a reminder of the values
        sued a special Proclamation declar-  the governor’s office and Council of   Gopal Khanna, former New   of unity,  cultural  appreciation,  and
        ing October as The Hindu Heritage   Asian  Pacific  Minnesotans  in  bring- York Chapter President and former   religious freedom that make Minne-
        Month. The proclamation acknowl-  ing Diwali to the State Capitol.   National Vice President of the Asso-  sota a welcoming and inclusive state,”
        edges the millions of Hindus, Sikhs,   The celebration continued with   ciation of Indians in America (AIA)   said Vallabha Tantry, coordinator of
        Jains, and Buddhist followers living   a  speech  by  Lieutenant  Governor   talked about AIA’s work in further-  the event. “Lessons learned from
        in the United States and the vibrant   Peggy Flanagan and other distin-  ing its motto - “Indian Heritage and   AIA’s  work  on  establishing  Diwali
        Indian community in Minnesota. It   guished representatives. Flanagan,  American Commitment.” He said,  in New York and The White House
        highlights the immense contribu-  herself the first Native American Lt.  “AIA started the Diwali celebration   helped us in planning what we could
        tions made by Indian Americans in   Governor of the state appreciated   at the South Street Seaport in New   Continued on next page... >>

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