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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            NOVEMBER 03, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 19

            WE VAX

             Get your updated                        because even

             COVID-19 and                             young and

             flu vaccines to                            healthy people

             protect against                            can get very sick.

             current variants.

                                                                      Eric L. Adams
                                                                      Ashwin Vasan, MD, PhD
                            Talk to your doctor,           Health     Commissioner
                            call 311 or visit
                                        Eric L. Adams
                            to learn more.                 Health     Ashwin Vasan, MD, PhD

           Edison Mayor Joshi takes bold measures to

              address rising crime rates and car thefts

        OUR BUREAU                        to thank Police Chief Bryan and the   • Cutting-Edge Technology: The ad-  callers in distress. This innovative
                                          entire Edison Police Department for   ministration has leveraged state-  system ensures that the police de-
        EDISON, NJ
                                          doing the necessary work to protect   of-the-art technology to curtail   partment  gains  critical  informa-
              cknowledging  a  significant   our families, our homes, and our   crime effectively. Over 70 license   tion before arriving at the scene,
              increase in crime rates across   town.”                         plate readers have been strategi-  enhancing response and situation-
        Athe country and a wave of car        Mayor Joshi and his administra-  cally installed throughout Edison.   al awareness.
        thefts in New Jersey, Mayor Sam   tion have initiated a series of com-  These devices track stolen vehicles   • Community Vigilance: Civilian
        Joshi recently announced a number   prehensive measures including:    and license plates, allowing for the   public safety employees and vehi-
        of new initiatives aimed at ensuring   • Increased Police Patrolling: The   interception of criminal activity   cles have been directed to be on
        the  safety  and  security  of  all  resi-  Edison  Police  Department  has   before it occurs. This technology   alert for suspicious activity, pro-
        dents.                              been  directed  to  significantly  in-  has already proven highly effective   moting community involvement in
            “We are taking these challenges   crease  patrolling  throughout  and will see expansion in both new   maintaining security.
        very seriously as a threat to our pub-  the town. This enhanced surge   locations and device numbers.     The Township is dramatically
        lic safety,” said Mayor Joshi. “Edison   in police presence aims to deter   • Advanced 9-1-1 System: An ad-  increasing manpower for patrolling
        is not a place where criminals can   criminals from endangering our   vanced 9-1-1 system has been    our neighborhoods, ensuring more
        take advantage of people because    neighborhoods and creates a safer   installed, enabling dispatchers   officers are on the streets in order to
        we will not allow it to happen. I want   environment for all residents.  to send a real-time video link to   actively deter crime.

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